Types Of Marketing Strategies Used


What is Marketing?

Marketing is the art of promoting and selling products or services, which includes market research and advertising. It thinks about business in terms of customers’ needs & satisfaction, which includes diverse discipline like public relation, sales and pricing. A good marketing plan can help you to achieve your desired objectives of business that needs lots of strategies and market research.

What Is Marketing Strategy?

A marketing strategy is a comprehensive plan designed to achieve the marketing objectives of a business, organization, or individual. It serves as a roadmap that outlines the tactics, channels, and resources necessary to reach and engage target audiences, ultimately driving sales, conversions, and brand awareness. A well-crafted marketing strategy considers various factors, including customer needs and preferences, competition, market trends, and budget constraints, to optimize the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, marketing strategies must remain agile, adaptable, and data-driven. They must continuously evolve to stay ahead of the competition, capitalize on emerging technologies, and align with the changing preferences of consumers. A successful marketing strategy balances a mix of traditional and innovative techniques, ensuring maximum reach, engagement, and ROI.

The 5 P’s Of Marketing:

The 5 P’s of marketing serve as a framework to help businesses and marketers develop a holistic and effective marketing strategy. They provide a guideline for understanding the essential elements that must be considered when promoting a product or service. The 5 P’s include:

1. Product:

The product (or service) is the core offering that a business provides to its customers. It is essential to thoroughly understand the features, benefits, and unique selling propositions (USPs) of the product, as well as the ways in which it satisfies the needs and wants of the target audience. Successful products are customer-centric, innovative, and adaptable to changing market demands.

2. Price:

Price refers to the amount that customers are willing to pay for a product or service. Determining the optimal pricing strategy involves understanding the value proposition, analyzing competitors’ pricing, and gauging customers’ price sensitivity. In today’s competitive market, pricing strategies such as dynamic pricing, value-based pricing, and promotional pricing can help businesses stay ahead.

3. Place:

Place refers to the distribution channels used to make a product or service available to customers. This includes brick-and-mortar stores, online platforms, and other points of sale. Omnichannel strategies that create seamless customer experiences across both physical and digital channels are crucial for maximizing reach and convenience.

4. Promotion:

Promotion encompasses the various communication methods and tools used to raise awareness and persuade customers to buy a product or service. These may include advertising, public relations, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and influencer marketing. In the digital age, marketers must leverage data-driven, targeted, and personalized promotional strategies to engage and convert their audience.

5. People:

People are an often-overlooked yet critical component of marketing success. They include not only the target audience but also the internal stakeholders such as employees, management, and partners. Businesses must invest in building a strong company culture, providing excellent customer service, and fostering authentic relationships with their audience through social media and other digital channels.

Marketing Strategies VS Marketing Plans VS Marketing Tactics:

It is essential to understand the distinctions between marketing strategies, plans, and tactics to develop and execute an effective marketing approach. Each term represents a different level of the marketing process, with unique functions and purposes.

Marketing Strategy: A marketing strategy is a high-level, overarching plan that outlines the company’s long-term goals and objectives related to marketing. It serves as a blueprint for achieving these goals and encompasses a deep understanding of the target audience, competition, and market trends. A marketing strategy focuses on the big picture and provides a clear direction for the organization’s marketing efforts.

Marketing Plan: A marketing plan is a detailed, tactical roadmap that outlines the specific marketing activities and initiatives required to implement the marketing strategy. It is a comprehensive document that includes timelines, budgets, target audience segmentation, communication channels, and measurable objectives (KPIs). A marketing plan translates the marketing strategy into actionable steps, ensuring that the strategy is effectively executed over a defined period.

Marketing Tactics: Marketing tactics are the individual, specific actions and techniques employed to execute the marketing plan. They represent the “how” of marketing, outlining the day-to-day activities that must be undertaken to achieve the objectives set forth in the marketing plan. Examples of marketing tactics include running a social media campaign, launching a new product, hosting a webinar, or implementing a content marketing strategy.

Types Of Marketing Strategies

Traditional Marketing:

  1. Direct Marketing
  2. Indirect Marketing
  3. Telemarketing
  4. TV and Radio Marketing
  5. Event Marketing
  6. Tradeshow Marketing
  7. Print Advertising

Traditional marketing refers to the established methods of promoting products or services that primarily rely on offline channels. These methods have been widely used for decades, even before the advent of digital marketing. Despite the growing prominence of online marketing, traditional marketing remains relevant and effective, particularly for reaching specific audience segments or complementing digital marketing efforts. Here are seven types of traditional marketing:

Direct Marketing:

Direct marketing involves targeting and communicating with potential customers through various offline channels, including direct mail (e.g., catalogs, postcards, or newsletters), brochures, and flyers. This method allows businesses to send personalized messages and offers to a specific target audience, often resulting in higher conversion rates.

Indirect Marketing:

Indirect marketing refers to promoting products or services through more subtle methods, such as sponsoring events, public relations, or native advertising in newspapers or magazines. This approach helps build brand awareness and credibility without being overly intrusive.


Telemarketing involves contacting potential customers via telephone to promote products or services. Although this method has faced challenges due to increasing regulations and negative perceptions, it can still be effective when used responsibly and targeted at the right audience.

TV and Radio Marketing:

Advertising on television and radio allows businesses to reach large audiences across various demographics. These channels offer the opportunity to create engaging audio and visual content, making a lasting impression on viewers and listeners. However, the costs associated with TV and radio advertising can be high, making it more suitable for large businesses with substantial marketing budgets.

Event Marketing:

Event marketing involves promoting a brand or product through in-person events, such as conferences, workshops, or product launches. This method allows businesses to engage with their target audience directly, offering a unique and memorable experience that can lead to increased brand awareness and loyalty.

Tradeshow Marketing:

Tradeshows are industry-specific events where businesses showcase their products or services to potential customers, partners, and competitors. They offer an excellent opportunity for networking, generating leads, and learning about the latest trends and innovations in the industry.

Print Advertising:

Print advertising refers to placing ads in newspapers, magazines, billboards, or other print media. Although print media has experienced a decline in recent years due to the rise of digital channels, print advertising can still be effective for targeting specific demographics or geographic locations.

Successful marketing strategies often combine traditional and digital marketing methods, leveraging the strengths of both approaches to reach and engage their target audiences effectively.

Digital Marketing:

  1. Social Media Marketing
  2. Email Marketing
  3. Content Marketing
  4. SEO Strategy
  5. Inbound Marketing
  6. Paid Marketing
  7. Database Marketing
  8. Drip Marketing
  9. Cross-Media Marketing

Digital marketing encompasses a range of online strategies and tactics that businesses use to promote their products or services, engage with their target audience, and generate leads or conversions. As technology and consumer behavior continue to evolve, digital marketing plays an increasingly crucial role in the overall marketing mix. Here are nine types of digital marketing:

Social Media Marketing:

Social media marketing involves promoting products or services on various social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok. This approach allows businesses to engage with their audience, share content, and gain valuable insights into customer preferences and behavior.

Email Marketing:

Email marketing is the practice of sending targeted and personalized messages to subscribers or prospects via email. This method is highly cost-effective and offers high conversion rates when executed correctly. Emails may include newsletters, promotional offers, or transactional messages.

Content Marketing:

Content marketing focuses on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and engaging content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. Content can include blog posts, whitepapers, ebooks, infographics, videos, and podcasts. This approach helps businesses build trust and authority, ultimately driving customer engagement and conversions.

SEO Strategy:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a website and its content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords or phrases. This organic approach drives free, targeted traffic to a website and improves visibility, credibility, and brand awareness.

Inbound Marketing:

Inbound marketing is a customer-centric approach that involves attracting prospects through relevant and helpful content, engaging with them throughout the buying journey, and ultimately converting them into customers. Inbound tactics include content marketing, SEO, social media, email marketing, and lead nurturing.

Paid Marketing:

Paid marketing, also known as Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, involves running ads on platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or Instagram Ads, where businesses pay for each click or impression. This method offers precise targeting, budget control, and rapid results, making it an effective way to reach a specific audience.

Database Marketing:

Database marketing involves collecting, analyzing, and leveraging customer data to create personalized marketing campaigns. This data-driven approach allows businesses to segment their audience based on various factors, such as demographics, behavior, or purchase history, and tailor their marketing efforts accordingly.

Drip Marketing:

Drip marketing is a type of email marketing that involves sending a series of pre-written, automated emails to subscribers or prospects over time. These emails aim to nurture leads, build relationships, and move prospects through the sales funnel.

Cross-Media Marketing:

Cross-media marketing, also known as integrated marketing, involves coordinating and integrating marketing efforts across multiple channels, such as social media, email, content, and paid ads. This approach ensures a consistent and cohesive brand experience for customers, maximizing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Digital marketing plays a vital role in the success of businesses across industries. By leveraging a combination of these digital marketing tactics, businesses can create targeted, data-driven campaigns that effectively engage their audience and drive conversions.

Relationship and Niche Marketing:

  1. Cause Marketing
  2. Relationship Marketing
  3. Word of Mouth Marketing
  4. B2B/B2C Marketing
  5. Niche Marketing
  6. Evangelism Marketing
  7. Humanistic Marketing
  8. Affinity Marketing
  9. Affiliate Marketing

Relationship and niche marketing focus on building long-term relationships with customers and catering to specific segments of the market. These approaches prioritize customer satisfaction, loyalty, and engagement, often leading to higher customer lifetime value and more sustainable business growth. Here are nine types of relationship and niche marketing:

Cause Marketing:

Cause marketing involves partnering with a non-profit organization or supporting a social or environmental cause as part of a company’s marketing efforts. This approach helps businesses build brand affinity, foster customer loyalty, and demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility.

Relationship Marketing:

Relationship marketing emphasizes building and nurturing long-term relationships with customers, prioritizing customer satisfaction, retention, and loyalty. This approach often includes personalized communication, loyalty programs, and exceptional customer service.

Word of Mouth Marketing:

Word-of-mouth marketing relies on satisfied customers sharing their positive experiences with others, either in person or through online reviews and social media. This type of marketing is highly valuable, as personal recommendations often carry more weight than traditional advertising methods.

B2B/B2C Marketing:

B2B (Business-to-Business) and B2C (Business-to-Consumer) marketing focus on targeting either other businesses or end consumers, respectively. Each approach requires tailored strategies and tactics to address the unique needs, preferences, and decision-making processes of their specific audience.

Niche Marketing:

Niche marketing involves targeting a specific, well-defined segment of the market, often characterized by unique needs, preferences, or demographics. This focused approach allows businesses to establish themselves as experts in their niche, build stronger customer relationships, and often enjoy higher profit margins.

Evangelism Marketing:

Evangelism marketing encourages passionate customers to become brand advocates, sharing their enthusiasm and experiences with others. This approach leverages the power of personal recommendations and customer loyalty to generate organic growth and expand brand awareness.

Humanistic Marketing:

Humanistic marketing prioritizes the well-being of customers, employees, and society as a whole, focusing on ethical practices, social responsibility, and sustainable growth. This approach often involves transparent communication, fair labor practices, and environmental consciousness.

Affinity Marketing:

Affinity marketing involves partnering with organizations or groups that share similar values, interests, or customer bases. These partnerships can lead to co-branded products, joint promotions, or exclusive discounts, benefiting both parties and strengthening customer loyalty.

Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based approach where businesses pay commissions to individuals or organizations (affiliates) for promoting their products or services and generating sales or leads. This method can expand a company’s reach and customer base while offering affiliates an opportunity to earn income.

Relationship and niche marketing strategies continue to gain traction as businesses recognize the value of personalized, authentic, and socially responsible marketing efforts. By focusing on building strong relationships and catering to specific market segments, companies can foster customer loyalty, drive sustainable growth, and differentiate themselves from the competition.

Experiential and Guerrilla Marketing:

  1. Undercover Marketing
  2. Guerrilla Marketing
  3. Viral Marketing
  4. Ambush Marketing
  5. Reverse Marketing
  6. Close Range Marketing (CRM)
  7. Promotional Marketing
  8. Cult-tural Marketing

Experiential and guerrilla marketing are unconventional, innovative approaches that focus on creating memorable experiences, generating buzz, and leveraging surprise or shock value to engage audiences. These methods often require creativity, resourcefulness, and adaptability, allowing businesses to make a lasting impact even with limited budgets. Here are eight types of experiential and guerrilla marketing:

Undercover Marketing:

Undercover marketing, also known as stealth marketing, involves promoting a product or service in a covert, seemingly unrelated context. This method can create a sense of discovery and authenticity, capturing the audience’s attention without them realizing they are being marketed to.

Guerrilla Marketing:

Guerrilla marketing involves using unconventional, low-cost tactics to create high-impact marketing campaigns. These campaigns often rely on surprise, creativity, and unconventional locations to engage audiences and generate buzz around a brand or product.

Viral Marketing:

Viral marketing aims to create content or campaigns that spread rapidly across social media platforms, often through shares, likes, and comments. This approach can generate significant brand awareness and engagement, as the content is shared organically by users and amplified by their networks.

Ambush Marketing:

Ambush marketing involves capitalizing on the publicity of an event, competitor, or trend without directly participating or sponsoring it. This method can help businesses associate themselves with popular events or campaigns, benefiting from the attention without incurring the cost of sponsorship.

Reverse Marketing:

Reverse marketing is a strategy where businesses create demand by encouraging customers to seek out their products or services, rather than actively promoting them. This approach can create a sense of exclusivity and intrigue, driving customer curiosity and engagement.

Close Range Marketing (CRM):

Close Range Marketing, also known as proximity marketing, involves using location-based technology to send targeted marketing messages to nearby customers. This method allows businesses to deliver timely, relevant promotions or information to customers when they are in proximity to the business or event.

Promotional Marketing:

Promotional marketing involves offering incentives, such as discounts, giveaways, or contests, to encourage customers to purchase a product or service. These promotions can generate excitement and urgency, driving sales and customer engagement.

Cult-tural Marketing:

Cult-tural marketing focuses on creating a strong brand identity, shared values, and a passionate community of loyal followers. This approach can help businesses establish a devoted customer base that identifies with the brand’s unique culture and ethos.

Experiential and guerrilla marketing strategies offer businesses innovative and memorable ways to engage audiences and generate buzz. By leveraging these creative approaches, companies can break through the clutter of traditional marketing methods and create lasting impressions on their target audience.

Targeted and Seasonal Marketing:

  1. Diversity Marketing
  2. Seasonal Marketing
  3. Scarcity Marketing
  4. Mass Marketing
  5. Freebie Marketing
  6. Alliance Marketing
  7. Philanthropy Marketing
  8. Sponsorships Marketing

Targeted and seasonal marketing strategies focus on reaching specific segments of the market or leveraging particular events, trends, or timeframes to create targeted, timely, and relevant campaigns. These approaches can help businesses connect with their audience more effectively, capitalize on consumer behavior, and stand out in the crowded marketplace. Here are eight types of targeted and seasonal marketing:

Diversity Marketing:

Diversity marketing involves creating marketing campaigns that cater to the unique needs, preferences, and cultural backgrounds of different audience segments. This approach can help businesses establish more meaningful connections with their target audience and demonstrate their commitment to inclusivity and representation.

Seasonal Marketing:

Seasonal marketing capitalizes on specific times of the year, such as holidays, seasons, or cultural events, to create timely, relevant campaigns. This method can help businesses drive sales during peak periods, generate excitement, and keep their marketing efforts fresh and engaging.

Scarcity Marketing:

Scarcity marketing involves creating a sense of urgency around a product or service by emphasizing its limited availability, exclusive nature, or short-term promotions. This approach can encourage customers to act quickly, driving sales and conversions.

Mass Marketing:

Mass marketing, also known as undifferentiated marketing, targets a broad audience with a single, uniform marketing message. This approach can help businesses reach a wide audience, build brand awareness, and achieve economies of scale in their marketing efforts.

Freebie Marketing:

Freebie marketing involves offering free products, samples, or services as a way to attract customers and generate interest in a brand or product. This method can help businesses create goodwill, increase brand exposure, and encourage customers to try new products or services.

Alliance Marketing:

Alliance marketing, also known as partnership marketing, involves collaborating with other businesses or organizations to achieve mutual marketing objectives. This approach can help businesses expand their reach, share resources, and leverage the strengths of their partners to create more impactful marketing campaigns.

Philanthropy Marketing:

Philanthropy marketing involves integrating charitable giving or social responsibility into a company’s marketing efforts. This approach can help businesses demonstrate their commitment to giving back, build goodwill with customers, and enhance their brand reputation.

Sponsorships Marketing:

Sponsorship marketing involves supporting events, teams, or organizations in exchange for brand exposure and promotional opportunities. This method can help businesses associate themselves with popular entities, build brand awareness, and reach new audiences.

Targeted and seasonal marketing strategies continue to play a vital role in connecting with specific audience segments and leveraging timely opportunities for business growth. By understanding their target audience and capitalizing on relevant trends or events, businesses can create more effective, engaging marketing campaigns.

How to select a marketing strategy?

Selecting the right marketing strategy is crucial for the success of your business. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you choose the most effective marketing strategy for your company:

  1. Define your goals: Start by clearly outlining your marketing objectives, such as increasing brand awareness, generating leads, driving sales, or building customer loyalty. These goals will serve as the foundation for your marketing strategy and guide your decision-making throughout the process.
  2. Understand your target audience: Conduct thorough research to identify your target audience and understand their needs, preferences, and behaviors. This will help you tailor your marketing strategy to resonate with and appeal to your ideal customers.
  3. Analyze your competition: Study your competitors and their marketing strategies to identify gaps, opportunities, and best practices within your industry. This will enable you to develop a marketing strategy that sets you apart and addresses the unique challenges and opportunities in your market.
  4. Assess your resources and budget: Determine the resources and budget you have available for your marketing efforts. This includes factors such as time, personnel, expertise, and financial investment. Understanding your limitations will help you select a strategy that is feasible and cost-effective for your business.
  5. Identify the most suitable marketing channels: Based on your target audience, goals, and resources, identify the marketing channels that will be most effective in reaching your audience and achieving your objectives. These channels may include digital marketing, traditional marketing, or a combination of both.
  6. Consider the marketing mix: Evaluate how the 5 P’s of marketing (Product, Price, Promotion, Place, and People) will impact your marketing strategy. Ensure that your marketing strategy aligns with your product offering, pricing strategy, distribution channels, and customer service approach.
  7. Develop a strategic plan: Outline a detailed marketing plan that includes specific tactics, timelines, and measurable goals for each marketing channel. This plan should be flexible and adaptable, allowing you to respond to changes in your industry, customer behavior, or the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.
  8. Implement and monitor your strategy: Put your marketing plan into action and track your progress regularly. Use key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of your marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions to optimize your strategy.
  9. Analyze and refine: Continuously analyze the results of your marketing efforts and make adjustments as needed. This may involve tweaking your tactics, reallocating resources, or revisiting your goals and objectives. Regularly refining your marketing strategy will help you stay agile, responsive, and competitive in your industry.

By following these steps, you can select a marketing strategy that aligns with your goals, resources, and target audience, ensuring the success of your marketing efforts and the growth of your business.

Marketing strategy examples:

Here are six marketing strategy examples from various industries that showcase different approaches and tactics:

Apple’s Product and Branding Strategy:

Apple focuses on creating innovative, high-quality products with a sleek, minimalist designs. Their marketing strategy emphasizes the user experience, premium features, and brand loyalty. Apple’s advertising campaigns are visually appealing and focus on showcasing the unique features of their products. Their exclusive retail stores and exceptional customer service further strengthen the brand image.

Apple is known for its high-profile product launch events that create anticipation, excitement, and media coverage. By revealing new products and features during these events, Apple generates buzz and drives consumer interest, resulting in significant sales and brand loyalty.

Coca-Cola’s Emotional and Storytelling Approach:

Coca-Cola is renowned for its emotionally-driven marketing campaigns that emphasize happiness, togetherness, and memorable experiences. Through storytelling and iconic visuals, Coca-Cola connects with its audience on an emotional level, building strong brand affinity and loyalty.

Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign replaced the iconic logo on their bottles with popular names, encouraging customers to find their names or the names of friends and family. This personalized approach resonated with consumers, leading to increased social media engagement, user-generated content, and sales.

Nike’s Empowerment and Influencer Marketing:

Nike’s marketing strategy revolves around empowering athletes and promoting an active lifestyle. They collaborate with high-profile athletes and influencers to endorse their products, tapping into their fan bases and enhancing credibility. Nike also leverages social media platforms and content marketing to engage with their audience and share inspiring stories.

Nike’s long-running “Just Do It” campaign focuses on inspiring and empowering athletes of all levels to achieve their goals. Through powerful storytelling, celebrity endorsements, and emotional connections, this campaign has helped solidify Nike’s position as a leading sports and lifestyle brand.

Dove’s Real Beauty campaign:

Dove’s “Real Beauty” campaign challenges traditional beauty standards by featuring women of diverse shapes, sizes, and backgrounds in their advertisements. This inclusive approach resonates with consumers, promotes positive body image, and differentiates Dove from other beauty brands.

Airbnb’s Experiences platform:

Airbnb expanded its offerings beyond accommodations by launching Airbnb Experiences, allowing hosts to offer unique, local experiences to travelers. This diversification strategy not only generates additional revenue but also strengthens Airbnb’s brand as a platform for authentic, personalized travel experiences.

Dollar Shave Club’s Disruptive and Viral Marketing:

Dollar Shave Club disrupted the razor industry with its subscription-based model, offering high-quality razors at an affordable price. Their marketing strategy gained traction with a humorous, viral video that effectively communicated their value proposition and brand personality. The company leverages social media, email marketing, and content marketing to maintain customer engagement and build brand loyalty.

What marketing strategy can a company pursue?

The number of marketing strategies a company can pursue depends on various factors, such as the company’s size, industry, target audience, objectives, resources, and budget. A company may choose to focus on one primary marketing strategy or implement multiple strategies simultaneously to achieve its goals.

For instance, a small business with limited resources might focus on a single marketing strategy, such as social media marketing or content marketing, to maximize the impact of its efforts. On the other hand, a larger company with more resources might implement several marketing strategies simultaneously, such as a combination of digital marketing, traditional marketing, and experiential marketing.

When deciding on the number of marketing strategies to pursue, it’s essential to consider the following:

  1. Objectives: Ensure the marketing strategies align with your company’s marketing objectives and contribute to achieving your goals.
  2. Resources: Assess your company’s available resources, such as personnel, expertise, time, and budget, to determine how many marketing strategies can be effectively managed and executed.
  3. Target audience: Consider your target audience’s preferences, behaviors, and needs to select the most relevant and impactful marketing strategies.
  4. Industry: Evaluate the specific dynamics and trends within your industry to identify the most suitable marketing strategies for your business.
  5. Competitive landscape: Analyze your competitors’ marketing efforts and identify any gaps or opportunities that your company can leverage to differentiate itself.
  6. Scalability: As your business grows, you may need to expand your marketing efforts and adopt additional strategies to maintain momentum and achieve your objectives.

Ultimately, the number of marketing strategies a company pursues should strike a balance between achieving marketing goals and efficiently utilizing resources. It’s essential to continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, making adjustments as needed to optimize your strategy and maximize the return on your marketing investment.


In conclusion, developing and implementing a successful marketing strategy is essential for any business to thrive in today’s competitive market. To create an effective strategy, companies must set clear marketing objectives, understand their target audience, analyze their competition, and develop a unique selling proposition. By selecting the most appropriate marketing channels, creating a content plan, establishing a budget, and continuously analyzing and refining their efforts, businesses can effectively engage their target audience, achieve their marketing goals, and drive growth.

A company may choose to pursue one or multiple marketing strategies, depending on its size, industry, objectives, resources, and target audience. It’s crucial to strike a balance between achieving marketing goals and efficiently utilizing resources while remaining agile and responsive to industry trends and customer behavior.

By learning from successful marketing strategy examples and following best practices, businesses can develop innovative marketing approaches tailored to their specific goals, audience, and industry, ultimately setting themselves apart from competitors and ensuring long-term success.

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