Top 12 Reasons Why You Need to Redesign Your Website

Top 12 Reasons Why You Need to Redesign Your Website

You have made a great website design. Good thing. But your website was developed 5 years ago. Since then your business has evolved, the market has changed, and the target audience’s preferences have also changed a bit. It can also happen that your business has shifted – with the new product, services, or maybe some branding changes. 

Despite all these changes, you can’t keep the same website and expect the best results. As these changes evolve, you need to keep changes in your website design as well. 

Your website requires redesign, maintenance, reorganization, and redevelopment. If you don’t do occasional redesigns, your visitors won’t simply find it worth investing their time or money in. Additionally, it will also negatively impact the brand’s success, productivity, and reputation.   

While there are many solid reasons not to update your website, here are 20 compelling reasons why you should.

It’s crucial to remember that a “redesign” does not always require you to alter every aspect of your branding and visual design. In actuality, redesigns may only involve making necessary technical and functional changes to your website to improve its functionality and help you accomplish your marketing objectives.

What is Website Redesign?

Redesigning a website goes beyond giving it an aesthetic update; it’s a crucial part of website upkeep. A well-executed redesign addresses your site’s content, user experience, search engine optimization (SEO), and mobile optimization while improving both appearance and functionality. 

The final objective is to create a visually appealing website, that offers users all the information they need, incorporates all necessary SEO components, and functions as efficiently as possible. 

What are the Benefits of Redesigning Your Website?

1. Improving Recognition and Brand Identity

Redesigning a website is a great way to create and hone a modern, cohesive company identity. By carefully picking design elements and making strategic decisions, you may build recognition and trust with your target audience. Captivating images, consistent messages, and engaging content all work together to create a memorable impression that connects with prospects.

2. Increasing Sales and Conversions

Your ability to increase conversions and sales increases along with improvements in UX and brand impression. A website with strong calls to action, appealing copy, and eye-catching graphics has a higher chance of turning visitors into loyal customers. By taking user purpose into account and using design components thoughtfully, you may optimize your website’s performance as an effective sales and lead-generation tool.

3. Improved SEO and Site Performance

A thorough website redesign takes care of the technological underpinnings and the aesthetics. By optimizing page load speed, improving mobile responsiveness, and using efficient search engine optimization (SEO) approaches, you can improve site performance and visibility on search engine results pages. 

A well-implemented SEO plan and site performance increase the growth of organic traffic and improve the discoverability of your website.

4. Better user experience

As a business owner, you are constantly looking for methods to improve your bottom line. One method to achieve this is to ensure that your website is designed to deliver the best possible user experience.

The website redesign ensures that your current website is simplified for user experience and the whole strategy, design and navigation is designed keeping users in mind, leading to more customer satisfaction and sales ultimately. 

5. Increased credibility and customer trust

Customers have a lot of options. If people don’t trust or like what they see on your website, they can quickly switch to one of your competitors, therefore yours must include the right elements that build trust & credibility. 

A sleek, modern website that keeps up with the newest trends will give clients the idea that you’re a competent, reliable company that values offering a positive experience, resulting in greater customer trust and loyalty.

6. Improved features and functionality

A website redesign is a significant update to your website that improves the user experience by utilizing new trends, technologies, and functionalities. It could entail modifying the coding, the content, the structure, specific features, or even the core way your site operates. An enhanced, contemporary website like this might significantly increase user engagement and conversion rates.

7. Redesign vs. Refresh

Doing minor tweaks to your website design is not a website redesigning. Before getting to know about the benefits and when you should opt for website redesign, let’s first find out the difference between website refresh & website redesign. 

Website refresh includes small UX or visual changes to the website. When only small adjustments are made to the website’s basic functioning and structure, it’s called a refresh. For instance, subtle UX improvements are made to certain page templates, or you want to improve the site’s overall aesthetic with a fresh typographic and color scheme.

Website redesign includes more extensive adjustments, such as a complete reworking of your site’s infrastructure, functionality, or branding. A redesign often involves modifications to how your website looks and functions. A redesign does not only update the visuals. But rather about redefining the core of your digital footprint and to more closely correspond with your changing business objectives and prevailing industry norms.

Why Does Your Website Design Require Redesigning? 

1. When your Website Design Seems Outdated

As we have stated, design trends, market needs, and customer preferences are changing on the go. However, there are so many trends that keep on coming every year and you don’t need to adapt to all of them. You can understand what your customers want and cope accordingly. 

# Here’s how to determine if your website is outdated: 

  • Despite receiving very little traffic, the homepage bounce rate is over 95%.
  • The webpage was created years ago, and it hasn’t been updated since. 
  • If the design is old-fashioned or doesn’t work well on mobile devices, it’s likely outdated.
  • Compare your website with competitors’ websites; if they appear more modern and updated, yours may be outdated.
  • Your website is not optimized for updated SEO standards 

# Here are tips to fix this problem

  • Redesign the website to modernize its appearance, ensuring it is responsive and mobile-friendly.
  • Talk to your customers about what problems they are facing. 
  • Optimize loading speed by compressing images, minifying CSS and JavaScript, and using caching techniques.
  • Implement the latest and best SEO practices to enhance visibility and relevance in search engine results.
  • Stay informed about industry trends and technology advancements to continuously update and improve the website.

2. Your Website is not Getting the Results you Want! 

Your website is beautiful, practical, and pixel-perfect. It’s really fairly remarkable. But it’s pointless if you’re still not seeing the desired outcomes.

It’s time to redesign if your outcomes don’t satisfy you. Analyzing the conversion rates on your website – visitor-to-lead and lead-to-customer being the most significant, on average – will provide you with a clear picture of what has to be changed.

# Here are a few things you should look out for

  • Your call-to-actions are boring and not appealing to your target customers.
  • The website content and design don’t align with your brand tone and colors. 
  • Your website is loaded with difficult navigation and words. 
  • Your website design & words are not targeted towards your target customers. 

# Tips to fix this problem 

  • Analyze website analytics to identify areas of weakness.
  • Conduct user surveys or feedback forms to understand visitor needs and pain points.
  • Optimize SEO strategies to enhance search engine visibility and attract more organic traffic.
  • Improve user experience to reduce bounce rates and increase engagement.
  • Create compelling and relevant content to better resonate with target audiences.
  • Implement A/B testing to experiment with different layouts, content formats, and calls to action.
  • Enhance website speed and performance by optimizing images, minimizing code, and leveraging caching.
  • Regularly monitor and adjust strategies based on performance metrics to continuously improve results.

3. Your Mobile Design is Not Responsive 

If your company does not have a presence on the mobile ecosphere, it loses around 70% of the overall traffic. Modern-day customers like handy websites or apps that they can scroll and check on the go through their mobile devices and tablets. This calls for responsive websites that load well on every screen size. 

# Here are the problems that you should look out for

  • Though there are more visitors on mobile devices than on desktops, the performance on mobile devices is significantly inferior.
  • Google Search Console (if you have an account) has been sending website owners notifications regarding mobile usability difficulties.

# Here’s how you can fix it 

  • To address mobile usability issues, start by auditing your website through Google Search Console. Errors usually result from content being cut off or from elements being too near to one another.
  • Even while Google can identify some of those problems, conducting your audit is still preferable. Therefore, if you find that there is a problem with mobile responsiveness, you can make changes to fix it.

As a result, making a website responsive increases the likelihood of drawing in a sizable number of visitors. If you already have a responsive website, ensure that everything is up to date. Anything missing or inadequate should be corrected as soon as possible.

4. Your Site is Lacking Behind the Competitors 

You have noticed that your competitor’s website is performing excellently well and you like their website better, in terms of experience, functionality, design, content, etc.

Keep in mind that the business website influences 70% of all purchasing decisions. When your website is inferior to your competition, you can say “goodbye” to your customers.

# When to update your website?

Of course, you don’t have to redesign your website each time one of your rivals modifies theirs. Having said that, it’s probably time to update your website if they make modifications that significantly raise their ranks and ultimately cause you to appear lower in searches.

# Why does it help? 

Redesign of websites helps to cope with changing market trends and customer preferences which also helps you gain an edge in the competitive digital world. An optimized site equipped with the latest technologies, social media integration, organic content, updated versions of plugins, engaging landing pages, etc. is various keys to unlocking higher traffic, better rankings, and heaps of backlinks. If your current site is missing all or any of these, it’s time for a makeover. 

5. Your Third-Party Tools Are Out-Dated 

If you think that the third-party tools in your website are outdated and are causing problems to your website, then probably it is time for redesigning. The purpose of redesigning a website is to check if all the components like plugins, themes, page builders, third-party integrations, and even the hosting platform are up to the mark. 

If the site seems bulky, takes time to load or creates issues in content management, then it’s time to modify it with new, high-performing tools. 

# Here are questions you should ask yourself

  • How are these third-party tools working?
  • Do they cause your website to load more slowly?
  • Are updated versions now accessible?
  • Are there better third-party tools available? 

Nothing turns away users more quickly than third-party solutions that are out-of-date in terms of functionality or appearance or that simply don’t operate effectively. Therefore, switch to more contemporary ones. You can upgrade the ones that are already in place or replace them completely (if necessary). This will increase your website’s general functionality and appeal while also converting prospects into leads. 

6. You haven’t Integrated Social Media Channels 

Your website was developed years ago when social media is not popular or you do not have any presence on those platforms. But, when you have it – it’s necessary to incorporate it on your website. The value of social media in a marketing strategy is undeniable. 

# How can your audience catch you on social media when you have not linked your social profiles with your website?

People are frequently too lazy or inconsistent to begin searching for your business. Social networking is a great tool for building relationships with clients and advertising your business. Your website is missing out on a ton of followers and devoted consumers if social media buttons are absent.

# Here’s how you can solve this problem

  • Place easily recognizable social media icons on your website, preferably in a consistent & visible location like the header or footer.
  • Ensure each icon is linked directly to your corresponding social media profiles.
  • Integrate live social media feeds or widgets displaying your latest posts or tweets. 
  • Reference your social media presence within your website content, such as blog posts or About Us pages.
  • implement clear and compelling call-to-action buttons encouraging visitors to follow you on social media.

7. Your visitors are having a difficult time using the site.

A website that appears outdated and unmaintained is a concern. Having an appealing website that is too challenging to use is also a problem.

A website’s user journey can be complicated and lead to dead ends; there are too many calls to action (CTAs); the content written is not simple to read and understand for the prospects and so on. These are just a few of the reasons that users may find it difficult to navigate a website.

# Keep an eye out for the following signs

  • Either the average duration on the page is extremely low (10 seconds or less) or it is excessively long and has a high bounce rate.
  • Although there is a respectable volume of traffic each day, no leads or conversions are generated.  
  • According to the User Flow and Behavior Flow capabilities in Google Analytics, the majority of visitors do not follow the user journeys or paths that you have set up for them

# Here’s how you can fix this problem

Once you’ve identified the problems or have received real-time user feedback about why they are having a hard time navigating the website, then you can focus on redesigning the website by hiring the right web design agency.

8. You are Redesigning your Brand 

Redesign of a website is a must when any business wants to relaunch itself in the market. Branding is the most important strategy to create a relatable and cohesive identity in the market and for your customers, and every inch of the website should convey the brand. Revamping the site is the easiest way to present a brand with a fresh, new perspective

It’s all about showing who you are and what you stand for. So, when you’re shaking things up, giving your website a fresh look is essential to make sure it screams your brand loud and clear.

# Tips for Redesigning the Brand Through Website Revamp

First things first, know who you are. Define your brand’s personality and values. Then, determine the primary reasons behind the rebranding initiative. Is it to target a new market segment, introduce new services or products, or cater to a specific niche audience? Clarifying these objectives will guide your website restructuring efforts.

  • Revise your website’s messaging and content to reflect the changes. 
  • Modify visual elements such as colours, fonts, logos, and imagery to align with the new brand identity.
  • Reorganize the website’s navigation and structure to prioritize information relevant to the rebranding objectives. 
  • If the rebranding involves introducing new services or products, incorporate features or functionalities that highlight these offerings on the website. 
  • Update meta tags, page titles, and content with relevant keywords to ensure that the website ranks well in search engine results for rebranded terms. 

9. You are not Getting Enough Traffic on your Website 

What is the purpose of a website with no visitors? The whole game of creating a website and keeping it up and running is to draw a huge number of visitors to it. The visitors will eventually become customers to push sales and increase revenue.  To drive traffic to your site, you need to optimize it for SERP.

# Here are some ways to improve your website SEO and boost traffic

  • Your website should be easy to load
  • It should be responsive 
  • The design of your website should be optimized for SEO
  • You also need to optimize the content and images for SEO
  • Don’t forget the on-page and off-page optimization techniques
  • Integrating blogs into your content strategy is an excellent method to get traffic to your website. Blog-featured websites are 434% more likely to be highly ranked in search results.

All in all, a revamped site with an accomplished level of digital marketing is a sure-shot way to increase traffic, sales, and revenue. 

10. Your Marketing & Sales Strategy is Not Working 

Websites aren’t just there to give a brand a digital face. When configured properly, they can also be extremely effective tools for sales and marketing. So, if your website is not yielding the results you want for your business, its time to redesign your website structure to make it relevant for your marketing and sales strategy to generate the results you want.

# Determine what kind of marketing or sales plan is lacking first, such as

  • SEO 
  • Content Marketing
  • Integration of social media 
  • Newsletter subscription 
  • Sales funnels

Even if all of these components are absent, you should concentrate on one at a time. If SEO isn’t performing as it should, you should start there as it’s the most crucial aspect of the lot.

Don’t limit your perspective to how you want to improve or add sales and marketing features. Think about the impact their presence will have on elements such as the homepage content and navigation structure. So, while you’ll most certainly need to add new features to the site, you’ll also need to change the rest of the design to make them more visible.

11. You are Introducing a New Product or Service

When you are introducing a new product or design, you might need to redesign your website. However, it will not happen if the cases or just a design refresh is needed. But, for niche businesses – a product or service change will necessitate a website revamp. 

When incorporating a new product or service into your offerings, your existing website may not effectively showcase the new offering or align with your updated business goals. Therefore, it’s crucial to redesign your website to ensure that it accurately reflects the introduction of the new product or service and maximizes its visibility and impact.

# What Needs to Change

  • Update website layout and design to prominently feature the new product or service.
  • Align brand messaging, visuals, and positioning with the introduction of the new offering.
  • Optimize navigation and user interface to facilitate exploration and engagement with the new offering.
  • Implement clear calls-to-action (CTAs) tailored to promote the new product or service and drive conversions.
  • Update website content with relevant keywords, meta tags, and information related to the new offering to improve search engine visibility.

12. You are Experiencing Decline in Performance Metrics 

If your website experiences a decline in performance metrics such as decreased traffic, lower conversion rates, or decreased user engagement, it’s a clear indication that something isn’t working effectively. 

This decline could be due to various factors, including outdated design, poor user experience, or outdated content. Therefore, it’s crucial to redesign your website to address these issues, level up your performance metrics, and ensure that your online presence remains impactful and effective.

# Why it is important?

  • Redesigning improves navigation and layout for better visitor engagement and a boost in performance.
  • A modern look captures attention and enhances professionalism.
  • Redesign boosts search rankings, traffic, and conversions.
  • It helps you adapt to trends which keeps your site relevant and competitive.

# What Needs to Change

  • Update website design to modernize its appearance and improve visual appeal.
  • Enhance user experience by optimizing navigation, layout, and functionality.
  • Refresh content to ensure it’s relevant, engaging, and up-to-date.
  • Implement responsive design to ensure compatibility across various devices and screen sizes.
  • Improve site speed and performance by optimizing loading times and reducing page bloat.
  • Incorporate SEO best practices to enhance search engine visibility and attract more organic traffic.

To Wrap it Up! 

Here’s the wrap of the 12 Most common problems or changes that you’re facing that will necessitate the website redesign. While hiring a web redesigning company you can also ask some of the website redesign questions to get the best website for your business. Whether it’s outdated design, poor user experience, or declining performance metrics, taking preventive steps can mitigate these issues and ensure your website remains effective and competitive. 

At Krisha Web, we understand the importance of addressing these challenges promptly. Whether you need a quick website audit, redesign, or full revamp, our team is here to help. We’ll work closely with you to understand your website’s underlying problems and provide tailored solutions to meet your needs. 

Don’t wait any longer – book a free consultation call with us today and take the first step towards a better, faster and more targeted website for your business.

Nisarg Pandya
Project Manager

Experienced Project Manager and Scrum Master at KrishaWeb, delivers expertise in Scrum methodologies, Laravel, React.js, UX design, and project management, ensuring efficient project delivery and agile implementation.


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