It is surely going to be a nightmare for you if you did not take a backup. A user must take a backup on WordPress regularly to avoid any loss of data. Here is a guide on how you can minimize the data loss and restore your WordPress site with a database backup.

Restoring WordPress from Plugin Backup

  • Log out of WordPress.
  • Find your database backup.
  • Prepare your database.
  • Import the database.
  • Merge the SQL files.
  • Check the restoration.

Restoring WordPress from phpMyAdmin backup

  • Install phpMyAdmin and log in to your hosting account.
  • Click on “Database” and select the one in which you want to restore your data.
  • Click on ‘Import’ and then ‘Browse.’
  • Select the location where you want to import the files.
  • Click on ‘Format’ and then ‘Go’ button. In a few moments, your database will be restored.

Restoring WordPress from FTP Backup

  • Open FileZilla and enter your credentials.
  • Click on ‘connect.’
  • A new window will appear. Click on the folder where the backup is taken.
  • Next drag the files you need to back up from the original location to the main folder. This might take a few minutes. Make sure that there is no power or network interruption in between.

These are the other few ways in which you can backup your WordPress data and keep the data loss nightmare at bay.

  • Imagine how easy it would be if you have someone who does your work as directed. WordPress does the same work on behalf of you for your web management.
  • WordPress is a content-based management system responsible for the development of different types of websites or blogs. It is a type of web software responsible for creating websites, blogs, complex portals and enterprise websites.
  • WordPress is specified to perform its category of work. With WordPress, it becomes simple to learn, build and use websites and blogs related sites.