This is the help document for the Post Type Transfer plugin. We recommend going through this plugin manual before installing and using the plugin.
If you have gone through the manual and still have any questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected].
This plugin gives flexibility to user to change posts from one post type to another. Also users can change posts from post type to page.
Key FeaturesIf If you are using the free version of the Post Type Transfer Plugin, the first thing you need to do is deactivate and delete it from the WordPress set up.
Go to plugins, search for 'Post Type Transfer' then deactivate and delete it.
Go to wp-content/plugins directory. Search for ‘Post Type Transfer’ folder and delete it.
Once you have installed the plugin, you have to visit Settings >> Post type transfer Pro
Here you’ll see the plugin settings option. Show the “Post type transfer meta box” only to selected post types, by default all will be unchecked. So admin needs to check the post type to enable the feature.
You can check the post type to enable post type transfer feature.
You can also transfer the same taxonomy while transfering the related post type transfer.
If you want to create new taxonomy while transferring the post type from one post type to other, then you can check the New Taxonomy Register option and create new taxonomy.
Select any post type and taxonomy(optional) before clicking the update button to transfer the post to other post type.
Plugin is supported the quick edit as well.
Plugin is supported the bulk edit as well.
You can select multiple post that you have to transfer and then click to bulk option and select edit and apply.
When you click bulk edit option and click to apply edit you can see bulk edit area. You can select any post type and taxonomy before clicking the update button.
Do you have any questions? Email us at [email protected] for personal assistance.