Some insights on Work From Home for KrishaWeb as a whole
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak around the world, working from home is no longer considered as a privilege rather it is mandatory for people. The pandemic has been so massive that every company is forced to operate from home only. Nowadays the “mantra” of staying safe is to stay at your home only.
We have only 2 options to choose from to cope with the pandemic.
The intensity of the coronavirus is unbelievable and there is no cure to it yet. The figures of infected cases and the death toll is increasing exponentially across the globe. Here we need a clever decision and Work Form Home is only the solution to it. WFH is helping keep you safe and holding your economy at a certain level too. No doubt we are not sure about the future as of now.
The majority of all companies have decided to give all the employees a chance of working from home. Fortunately, even without any sort of advance plan, there are plenty of things you can do to make working from home as an emergency success. Many of the businesses are struggling to operate but IT is one of the industries where we are picking up the nerve of it.
The world is at stake but you cannot put a stop on your projects or given assignments. When you are working from home, communication becomes very vital. Staying connected and keeping your eyes on the official communication becomes paramount. Be proactive and remain available otherwise your single miscommunication can break the deal between you and your customer. Try to monitor each and every official message of your company regarding emergency plans appropriately.
We believe that every company must create some of the particular guidelines to ensure all the employees understand what is required from them when they work remotely. There are a few key elements of working remote.
We are trying to touch base some of the most important elements here which include
Few necessary items that an employee has to have worked from home are computer, facility of managing telephonic conferencing, access to internal networks as well as few small but essential things like headphones with mic, an alternative arrangement of the Internet and of course a good sitting arrangement where they can sit for hours and work efficiently. These tools are quite significant for the habit of working from home.
Working from home cannot be done without a stable network and which is why the remote workers must have a safe and protected Wi-Fi network and also work along with the trusted and proper virtual private network (VPN). Eventually, the VPN serves as the buffer between the Wi-Fi connection and also your mobile device or the computer. Any kind of transmitted data is then encrypted to protect this from tampering and interception.
Everybody from the team needs to stay in touch with one another and for that communication plays a very significant role. Skype, Teams, Slack and some other messaging apps will help you stay connected with the team members. At times, the remote workers can feel isolated from the rest of the team, so this is significant to keep in contact with them via phone, email, messaging, or video conference.
Work from home policy has to be clear and straight. Try to create the policy with a few expectations of the program and that includes daily work schedule, company’s project execution policy, description of workspace, instructions for reporting personal injury and also damage to company equipment, and protection of proprietary company information.
During the pandemic, as people are lockdown, and completing their jobs from home only, they will need a few apps and software to stay in touch with their companies and organizations. These apps are mainly used in various purposes such as Project Planning, Project Management, Work allocation and meeting or communication as well.
The Coronavirus outbreak has put the lives of many of us on a halt. The anxiety and fear of what is to come and can be seen on people’s faces. This is why, we at KrishaWeb, have declared the work from home protocol for our personnel who used to join us from the office every day. Many of us comprehend the fact that going absolutely remote by leaving office due to the COVID-19 fear can hamper productivity. But as they say, work is worship and works cannot put on hold, so our team has decided to give a complete schedule to our personnel so that the synchronization never breaks.
Though almost every one of us is working on different time zones now we are fully WFH and this is why a proper and well-maintained schedule will help them to complete their assignments between a given deadline. The first and foremost things that we have asked our workforce to do are to stay connected in the office hours. Basically, for better productivity, we are utilizing Skype and Slack for chat, Zoom and Google Hangout for 1 to 1 communication. We are also working through some other useful apps and software like Jira, Teamwork, Basecamp, our own custom PMS, Asana, Monday, Trello and many more tools as per our client’s convenience.
At KrishaWeb, we always prefer to talk more rather than chatting. We also utilize G Suite for setting our meetings through our calendars. Basically, Google Suite, Google Sheet, Google docs are quite helpful for sharing the documents.
In the end, what we can actually say is that this is a very seriously difficult time for the human race and this is also a duty of each and every individual to fight Coronavirus away from our lives. The best thing to do in this situation is to stay healthy and stay safe and obviously stay at home. So, you will have to nurture yourself, and then you will have to keep healthy through nutritious diet and exercise, practice good hygiene and sanitation, prevent spreading of germs, and definitely seek medical attention immediately if you suspect you or a loved one has fallen ill.
Neeta – Digital Marketing Manager: “WFH is a need for the current situation due to COVID-19. Today is the 9th day of Lockdown here. As an IT company, we have the advantage to manage WFH easily.”I experienced both the positive and negative sides of “WFH”. It saves time to reach office, give the flexibility for breaks, even working hours when I can work most efficiently. So, I prefer to start work a little early in the morning. I love chatting with my kid and could justify her. On the other hand, it increases calls and chats while managing the tasks and team. Also, it becomes difficult to cope up with some household tasks during working hours especially for a female worker.”
Kenar – SEO Lead: I found it’s difficult to manage personal and professional life by sitting in one place and sometimes feeling more tired. But anyhow trying to balance. You need to find out and decide the best times, when you can do your office work and when you can do your personal work. I felt that the morning time is best for me to do my office work. So, I start my day early than the usual time and try to finish as many of my tasks in the first half of the day. One thing that I observed that people are being timely in the calls.”
Pratik – WordPress Team Lead: “It saves time of the transportation but increases the call with the team to guide them about the task or in any difficulty. It gives flexibility in work timings.”
Nisarg – Design Team Lead: WFH gives the flexibility to take a break at any time. It gives you a custom environment like I prefer to work in silence so I can set the noise level as I want. I can easily make calls with client eve I can set the room temperature that I suit. I don’t have to travel long to reach the office and then have to set myself in the mood to work. I love to see my daughter daily sitting next to me and studding and chattering around the whole day with me. It’s hard to monitor the work of juniors or subordinated while working from home. So won’t be able to keep them on track if they divert from their task. You just have believed that they are doing a proper job. In my opinion, If you are not a self-motivated person then WFM is not your job.
Nirav – Custom Framework Development Team Lead: Till now my experience of working from home is good. It gives freedom to doing tasks without any interruptions. Sometimes communication becomes really frustrating. Maintaining positive relationships with co-workers and leads become difficult when you can’t see them. I personally feel that WFH makes you more responsible and accountable.
Gunjan – Project Manager: It has been a great experience rather than the first experience in my career to work from home. If I say the positive side that WFH facilitates me freedom in my work. I need to communicate with the team and give updated regularly so this improves my communication skills and I get the things done on time as other team members are also can stretch from home.
I can be more in touch with clients and connect with them late at later hours which is more convenient for them. Also, it has some negative side like sometimes, I don’t get prompt replies from the team and have to wait when discussing with clients. Internet issues are also a pain.
Milan – Sales Lead: I think WFH is a good thing as I always get full time to concentrate on my jobs. This saves all your energy which you are investing in travelling to reach the office. I can concentrate more on my tasks and get them done without any distraction of chat/talk like we have in the office.
Ashmi – Project Co-ordinator: Truly, it’s a different experience to have work from home. I am a Project Coordinator and I believed it would be easy to connect with a team like with the client but I was wrong.
In the beginning, we faced some trouble in communication but gradually all set. I found them to be routine with this. They found more time for their work and delicately they are committed to complete the given set of tasks. They get more time for their work and delicately they are committed to complete the given set of tasks.
I am taking this as a positive experience for me and my team because they learn many things during this phase and understand how to cope up with the situation in limited resources.
A glimpse of “KrishaWeb Team Working From Home”
“Stay at Home, Stay Safe”
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