Brand Storytelling: How Storytelling Benefits You in Marketing

Brand Storytelling

We usually see that “Big Brands” win the race in any industry (Reason! Why they are ‘Big’ Brands? What make them Market Giant? Let’s See). Their behavior of dominance depends on their marketing efforts. They have successfully reached to the heart of their audience. They have created trust factors and visual empathetic stories. Yes a “Story”, Story behind a Brand, its purpose, values, most important and valuable deliverables. Nowadays, every brand takes benefits of “Brand Storytelling” and tries to create impact among audience and connect with them emotionally.

Brand Storytelling is the narrative that imposes the purpose, facts, values and emotions together to connect people with your brand. Successful businesses are built on effective stories. Your audience love to see, read or hear stories because it creates a human connection based on empathy. So, now the experienced marketers leverage the power of storytelling to improve branding and conversion rates.

You must be wondering…

How the stories can help you with your marketing?

Well, people remember stories 22x more than only facts and figures. Thus, storytelling can boost your conversion rates by 30%. Industry experts says that 62% of B2B marketers rated storytelling as an effective content marketing tactic.

To give your customers reasons why they should buy a product or service, businesses need to start sharing the story behind their brand, why it exists, and why this matters, consistently across all communication.

Let’s understand the idea of storytelling…

What is Storytelling?

A story is a “narrative of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment or a certain purpose,” and storytelling is simply the art of sharing a message in the form of a story.

Through storytelling, the Storyteller tries to convey a message to connect with the targeted audience. So, how a good story should look like…

  1. Communicable
  2. Easy to Understand
  3. Sensitive
  4. Acceptable/Logical
  5. Helpful
  6. Inspiring
  7. Inclusive

In other words,

Storytelling is an ancient art and a valuable form of human expression. It is the interactive part which uses words and actions to reveal the elements and images of a story while encouraging the listeners’ imagination.

What Is Brand Storytelling?

Brand storytelling is a marketing strategy that uses narratives to convey a brand’s identity, values, and mission to its target audience. The goal of brand storytelling is to create an emotional connection with consumers, foster loyalty, and build long-term relationships.

These narratives can take many forms, such as videos, blogs, social media posts, advertisements, and other types of content. By crafting compelling and relatable stories, businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors, humanize their brand, and effectively communicate their value proposition to consumers. Successful brand storytelling can lead to increased brand awareness, customer engagement, and loyalty, ultimately contributing to the overall success of the brand.

How to Start Telling Your Brand Story?

Starting to tell your brand story can be a daunting task, but there are a few steps you can take to get started:

Identify your brand’s unique values, mission, and personality: Before you can tell your brand story, you need to understand what makes your brand unique. Identify your brand’s core values, mission statement, and personality traits to create a cohesive brand identity.

Define your target audience: Determine who your ideal customer is, what their needs are, and how your brand can solve their problems. This will help you tailor your brand story to resonate with your target audience.

Craft a narrative that showcases your brand’s identity: Use your brand’s values, mission, and personality to create a narrative that connects with your audience emotionally. Consider incorporating storytelling elements such as conflict, resolution, and relatable characters to make your story more engaging.

Choose the right platform: Decide which platforms are best suited for your brand’s story. Whether it’s social media, your website, or other marketing channels, choose platforms that align with your brand’s identity and will effectively reach your target audience.

Consistency is key: Ensure that your brand story is consistent across all platforms and channels. Consistency in messaging, imagery, and tone will create a cohesive brand experience that resonates with your audience and builds trust.

Monitor and adjust: Monitor how your audience responds to your brand story and adjust it accordingly. Continuously refining your brand story based on customer feedback will help you keep your audience engaged and build a stronger brand over time.

20 Benefits of storytelling in marketing:

1. Express Personality:

Brand storytelling provides an effective way to express a brand’s personality and allows it to resonate with consumers on a deeper level. By crafting narratives that encompass the brand’s values, mission, and unique characteristics, companies can create a distinctive voice that sets them apart from their competitors. This personalized approach not only humanizes the brand but also helps forge emotional connections with consumers, fostering loyalty and long-term engagement.

2. Beat Fragmentation:

In an age where consumers are bombarded with an overwhelming amount of information, brand storytelling offers a strategic method to cut through the clutter and make a lasting impression. By weaving a cohesive narrative across various platforms, businesses can maintain a consistent brand image and ensure that their message is received and retained by their target audience. This holistic approach simplifies the customer journey and strengthens the overall brand experience.

3. Lead Your Brand:

Utilizing storytelling as a brand strategy empowers businesses to take control of their brand image and narrative. It provides the opportunity to showcase the brand’s unique value proposition, create memorable experiences for consumers, and communicate the brand’s purpose effectively. By leading the narrative, companies can shape consumer perceptions and influence the way their brand is received in the market, ultimately enhancing brand equity and driving success.

4. Trust Building:

Brand storytelling is essential for establishing trust and credibility with consumers. By sharing authentic stories that depict a brand’s journey, challenges, and successes, businesses can demonstrate transparency and sincerity. These narratives allow consumers to relate to the brand on a personal level, fostering a sense of trust and reliability. Trust-building through storytelling can lead to higher customer satisfaction, increased loyalty, and positive word-of-mouth referrals, all of which contribute to the overall success and longevity of the brand.

5. Exciting Content:

One of the most significant benefits of brand storytelling is its ability to generate exciting and engaging content. By creating stories that captivate the audience’s attention and spark their curiosity, businesses can elevate their content marketing efforts and effectively differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace. This captivating content not only keeps consumers interested and entertained, but it also encourages them to share the brand’s stories with others, expanding the brand’s reach and increasing its visibility in the digital landscape.

6. Refresh Old Ideas:

Brand storytelling provides an opportunity to breathe new life into old ideas, products, or campaigns. By presenting them in a fresh, innovative narrative, businesses can reinvigorate consumer interest and keep their brand relevant in the constantly evolving market. This creative approach allows brands to reinvent themselves and adapt to changing consumer preferences without losing their core identity.

7. Humanize Content:

Storytelling helps brands humanize their content by infusing it with relatable experiences, emotions, and values. By sharing stories that highlight the people behind the brand, their experiences, and their motivations, businesses can forge deeper connections with their audience. Humanizing content helps consumers see beyond the product or service, creating a more meaningful relationship with the brand.

8. Emotional Impact:

Brand storytelling has the power to evoke strong emotions in consumers, which can significantly impact their decision-making process. By tapping into emotions such as happiness, nostalgia, or inspiration, businesses can create lasting bonds with their audience and encourage brand loyalty. Emotional connections are vital for driving consumer action, and storytelling can effectively nurture these connections.

9. Lasting Impression:

A well-crafted brand story leaves a lasting impression on the minds of consumers, ensuring that the brand remains memorable even amidst the noise of the digital world. By consistently delivering compelling narratives, businesses can keep their brand top of mind and foster long-term recall, ultimately enhancing brand recognition and loyalty amongst their target audience.

10. Solid Personality:

Brand storytelling allows businesses to establish a solid and distinct brand personality that resonates with their audience. By consistently sharing stories that reflect the brand’s values, mission, and culture, businesses can create a brand persona that consumers can identify with and trust. This personality not only helps differentiate the brand from competitors but also contributes to the overall brand experience, creating a sense of authenticity and transparency that resonates with consumers. A solid brand personality can lead to increased customer loyalty, repeat business, and positive brand advocacy.

11. Motivate Naturally:

Brand storytelling has the power to naturally motivate consumers to take action. By sharing stories that inspire or educate, businesses can create a desire for their products or services without relying on direct advertising or sales tactics. This natural motivation leads to increased customer engagement, conversions, and loyalty.

12. Neuro-Association Seeds:

Brand storytelling can plant “neuro-association seeds” in the minds of consumers, leading them to subconsciously associate positive emotions with the brand. By leveraging the power of storytelling to create positive associations with the brand, businesses can influence consumer behavior and attitudes in a subtle yet powerful way.

13. Foster Relationships:

Brand storytelling can foster deeper relationships between the brand and its audience. By sharing stories that resonate with consumers, businesses can create a sense of shared experience and foster a community around their brand. This community fosters loyalty, advocacy, and long-term relationships between the brand and its audience.

14. Viral Potential:

Compelling brand stories have the potential to go viral, reaching a wider audience and creating buzz around the brand. By crafting stories that are shareable and resonate with the target audience, businesses can tap into the power of social media to expand their reach and increase brand awareness.

15. Attract Ideal Audience:

Brand storytelling allows businesses to attract their ideal audience by sharing stories that resonate with their values and interests. This targeted approach helps businesses attract and retain customers who align with their brand identity, increasing the likelihood of long-term relationships and repeat business.

16. Emotional Bonding:

Brand storytelling helps create emotional bonds between the brand and its audience by sharing stories that elicit strong emotions. By tapping into emotions such as empathy, inspiration, or nostalgia, businesses can create a lasting emotional connection with consumers, fostering loyalty and advocacy.

17. Convey Value:

Brand storytelling allows businesses to convey their value proposition in a compelling and relatable way. By sharing stories that showcase the brand’s unique benefits and advantages, businesses can communicate their value to consumers and differentiate themselves from competitors.

18. Stand Out:

In a crowded marketplace, brand storytelling helps businesses stand out and create a unique identity. By sharing stories that showcase their personality, values, and mission, businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors and make a memorable impression on consumers.

19. Encourage Return:

Brand storytelling helps encourage repeat business by fostering relationships with consumers and creating a sense of brand loyalty. By consistently sharing compelling stories that resonate with their audience, businesses can encourage customers to return and engage with their brand over time.

20. Brand Humanization:

Brand storytelling helps humanize the brand by sharing stories that showcase the people behind the product or service. By sharing stories that highlight the brand’s values, culture, and mission, businesses can create a sense of authenticity and transparency that resonates with consumers and fosters deeper relationships.

Science Behind Storytelling

So, what could be the scientific reason to use the story in marketing? Here, it is revealed… Story is not just about imagination; there is a science working behind it. Storytelling is known to increase the levels of “Oxytocin” – a hormone that promotes the feeling of love, bonding and well-being in our body.

Oxytocin is released by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, a pea-sized structure at the base of the brain and get stimulated when people hug, bond socially or get engaged in love. Our brain is actually wired to connect with stories.

What do marketers want from their campaigns? A strong and happy bond with their customers. And storytelling is able to build that bond for them.

In fact, 92% of consumers want ads that feel like stories.

Why Storytelling is Important for Marketing?

Since long time back, storytelling has played a very important and special part in our lives. When there are sufficient details and authentic emotions in the narrative, the listener or reader is able to connect to that story easily. And brands can use that resource to make people understand how their products add value to their lives.

So, here we present some primary reasons why storytelling is important for marketing…

  • Stories help to build the deeper and stronger connection for a brand with its audience.
  • It adds a human sensible touch to your content and, thus, brand.
  • Storytelling is beyond advertising; it makes people trust in brand much more easily.
  • Stories help bind your all content together which seems the more organized way of presentation.
  • Stories help to share your brand vision in the most pleasant way.
  • A business with a great story is able to defeat its competitors easily (Even in a healthy competition).
  • Story acts as the most successful weapon to create brand loyalty. And that super brand loyalty make people much more willing to promote the product or brand by word-of-mouth marketing, which is the best way to make any business popular.

Five Principles of Storytelling

In order to implement the storytelling in your marketing strategy, you need to understand the below five principles of storytelling.

So, these are the basic Five Principles of Storytelling which every business should follow…

  1. Choose the most relatable main character
  2. Always put the best elements in the beginning of your story for a great start
  3. Create conflicts at certain points, which will make your audience mentally engaged
  4. Clearly understand the relationship between Listening and Delivering (Telling)
  5. Maintain the authenticity of your story

 Some Brilliant Examples of Brand Storytelling

IKIA (Uses Humor to Promote Its Products and Services)

IKEA in Singapore uses humor and hilarious puns in their storytelling videos to illustrate practical storage and furniture solutions.

This video is entitled Improve Your Private Life and is narrated by Fille Güte, a “Shelf-Help Guru”. It features a typical husband – wife communication about the lack of space in their bedroom – and then the Shelf-Help Guru comes in with a solution: IKEA’s Pax wardrobe, Malm drawers, Komplement interior fittings, etc.

The ad ends by saying “Begin your journey of shelf discovery”. This story is something that every couple faces at some point in their relationship, and IKEA covers all the pain points correctly. It’s a common story with a unique touch! You can even see the video comments how much people loved IKEA’s humorous ads.

BACARDÍ (Celebrate Your Culture Through Music)

BACARDÍ is the largest spirits company in the world. In this video BACARDÍ presents the Sound of Rum: Dancehall Kings & Queens, they share the story of the vibrant dance culture in Jamaica and how it has progressed. The video features Jamaican music industry legends and today’s innovators to see how the music has been adopted across Europe.

Land Rovers Campaign (Why The Best Stories Come From Others)

In celebration of Land Rover’s 70th anniversary, the company brought to life the true story of, “The Land of Land Rovers,” a remote area in the Indian Himalayas. The video tells the story of the local drivers who rely on a fleet of meticulously maintained 1957 Land Rover vehicles to provide transport and supplies along the treacherous mountain roads between two small villages, Maneybhanjang and Sandakphu.

To bring this remarkable story to life, Land Rover’s team made the village of Maneybhanjang their home for ten days in order to get to know these brave drivers and experience their everyday life. The end result delights the viewer with its stunning cinematography, while hearing from the drivers and villagers only further reinforces the incredible off-road capabilities of Land Rover vehicles.

Land Rover’s campaign offers a brilliant example and a reminder that the best stories are not your own, but those of your customers and your fans. Sourcing those stories might be tough, but when you find those that truly touch people’s hearts, invest in bringing them to life and prioritize them over your product message.

To uncover the best customer stories, our best tip is to invest in getting to know your customers. From asking for customers to share their stories and memories with your company or products through social media or email campaigns, to running contests to encourage stories, top companies create a culture of sharing and storytelling.

Dove (Share Stories About Real People to Stir Up Emotions)

Dove is one of the first brands that popularized the idea of featuring their customers in their videos. Mostly they’ve featured women, but recently the company made a shift and featured men (dads) in their videos. The concept was amazing.

In their video Dove® Men+Care® Mission: Care, they show a man named John reuniting with his family on Father’s Day outside his U.S. military base after talking about how hard it is to be away from his kids for months at a time.

This video is a true story created with the Operation Homefront to let military personnel reunite with their families on special occasions – and I dare you to watch it without tearing up!

Huggies (Use Data to Create a Touching Story)

Global diaper brand Huggies leveraged the power of hugs to win moms emotionally.

At one time, Pampers had 100% of Canadian hospital contracts for supplying diapers. Huggies had to increase their market share, so in order to defeat Pampers, they created and promoted a campaign named “No Baby Unhugged”.

Their campaign was based on research that proved that hugs help stabilize babies’ vital signs, ward off illness and promote brain development. Their video features a mom and her newborn baby in the hospital. Mom is seen to hug her baby and the caption “Hugs strengthen your baby’s immune system, they promote weight gain and improve brain development” was displayed.

It promoted the use of Huggies diapers in hospitals and pressed on the message that Huggies is the best gift a mother can give her baby.

Nike (Reach Out to Your Audience with a Web Series)

Nike has gone a step ahead in storytelling by launching an 8-episode mini web series on YouTube.

The series was named Margot vs Lily in which Lily challenges Margot to make a fitness web show that gets 1,000 followers and Margot challenges Lily to find at least three real friends. Here is a preview of the first episode entitled Resolutions…

Check out the full episode here.

Nike decided to invest in creating actual content (as opposed to ads) as a new way for them to inspire fans and persuade them to exercise and live a healthy life. As a side note, the characters in the series are seen wearing Nike products, but it is not a sales pitch. The series focuses on the emotions that are part of the personal fitness journey (frustration, dejection, lack of motivation). The result was amazing and people liked the show very much. It had a rating of 7.4 on IMDb!

So, these were a few examples of already implemented marketing campaigns. If you want to create one for your own brand what you would do? Let’s explore the storytelling formats for marketers.

  1. Mini Ads
  2. Data-Based Storytelling
  3. Long-Form Storytelling
  4. Personalized Storytelling
  5. Audio Storytelling


Brand Storytelling is one of the most important part in marketing. And those Brands who incorporate this in their marketing strategy, they literally dominate the market among the competitors. It’s not necessary that the best stories should  belong from your own mind only. User-generated stories are often able to inspire people much more than conventional brand stories. Always adopt the practical and creative ideas in brand storytelling. You will definitely win the Game!

Frequently Asked Question Related To Brand Storytelling

What is a brand storytelling example?

A brand storytelling example is Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign that uses motivational stories of athletes to inspire and connect with their audience.

What makes good brand storytelling?

Good brand storytelling is authentic, emotional, and relatable. It should connect with the audience’s values, emotions, and aspirations while also being unique to the brand’s personality and purpose.

What are the four elements of brand storytelling?

The four elements of brand storytelling are character (the brand’s persona), conflict (the challenges and obstacles the brand faces), plot (the brand’s journey and transformation), and theme (the brand’s message and purpose).

What is brand storytelling and why is it important?

Brand storytelling is the art of communicating a brand’s identity, purpose, and values through a compelling narrative. It’s important because it creates an emotional connection with the audience, increases brand awareness, and builds brand loyalty.

What are the 5 C’s of storytelling?

The 5 C’s of storytelling are context, characters, conflict, climax, and conclusion.

What are the three C’s of storytelling?

The three C’s of storytelling are character, conflict, and change.

What are the types of brand storytelling?

Types of brand storytelling include brand history, founder story, customer story, social impact story, product story, and cultural story.

How do you create a brand story?

To create a brand story, identify the brand’s unique value proposition, define the brand’s personality and purpose, create a compelling narrative with characters, conflict, and resolution, and communicate the story consistently across all brand touchpoints.

What is the power of brand storytelling?

The power of brand storytelling is that it creates an emotional connection with the audience, inspires action, builds trust and loyalty, and differentiates the brand from competitors.

What is the brand storytelling of Coca-Cola?

Coca-Cola’s brand storytelling emphasizes the brand’s heritage, happiness, and social impact through campaigns like “Share a Coke” and “Taste the Feeling.”

What is the structure of brand storytelling?

The structure of brand storytelling includes a beginning (the brand’s history or background), a middle (the brand’s journey and challenges), and an end (the brand’s transformation and purpose).

What should a brand story include?

A brand story should include the brand’s origin or history, the brand’s personality and purpose, the challenges the brand faced, the brand’s unique value proposition, and the brand’s message or purpose.

What are the 5 elements of effective storytelling?

The 5 elements of effective storytelling are relatability, emotion, authenticity, surprise, and resolution.

What is story telling method in marketing?

Storytelling method in marketing is a technique of using a narrative to promote a brand, product, or service. It helps to create an emotional connection with the audience and differentiate the brand from competitors.

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