2015 Twitter #Transparency report

Twitter has been publishing the biannual transparency report covering the information about the government requests and copyright notices since 2012. The company has refreshed the report over https://transparency.twitter.com on Tuesday, 11th August 2015. It looks like Twitter is getting serious about the transparency report, as they have added two new sections to the report. The additional sections in the report are Trademark notice and email privacy. The company has shared some interesting stats from the users all across the globe in the report.

Twitter has also redesigned its transparency hub where the company is used to update the report data. They have given the website more mobile friendly view in their new website design. Also, you can access the reports for the individual countries now. The fundamental sections of the report were account information request, content removal request and copyright notices. Two additional sections of trademark notices and email privacy are added in to the report now.

As per the most recent report, there is a significant increase in the government data request during 1st January to 30th June. There is 52% increase for the account information request in last semester. That is the highest increase between the reports noticed by the company till date. Government officials have made 2436 requests for information in USA. Twitter complied around 80% of all the requests. The US government official requests comprise to the 56% of the request made worldwide. Data removal requests and copyright notices have also increased by 26% and 11% respectively.

If you don’t wish to wait for the next six months for next aggregated transparency report, you can have all the information about the latest government content takedown requests from the Chilling Effects.

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