Laravel vs. React: Choosing The Perfect Web Framework in 2024

Laravel vs. React

An app for your own business is now essential due to the daily advancements in technology, which open up a world of potential for you. The things an app can do to grow your business are now practically endless.

But, in the ever-changing world of web development, choosing the appropriate framework can make or break your project’s success. In recent years, new technologies have been rapidly launched to simplify computing by addressing coding difficulties. Laravel and React are two well-liked choices that frequently find themselves in the spotlight.

These two effective tools have distinct advantages and are frequently employed for various objectives. Laravel is a strong PHP framework and React is a powerful JavaScript library that is essential to modern web development.

This blog will discuss Laravel vs. React, two of the most cutting-edge technologies available today, and provide a detailed analysis of their features, advantages, and disadvantages.

Let’s dig in & get started.

What is Laravel?

Laravel is an open-source framework for developing different kinds of apps that run on PHP. The primary advantage of Laravel is its ability to reuse pre-existing components from several frameworks, which facilitates the development of online applications.

Laravel is a modern and popular PHP web application framework known for its clean and expressive syntax. Taylor Otwell introduced it in 2011. It offers Laravel web developers an organized and effective method for creating web apps and websites.

Laravel is the most popular PHP framework, accounting for more than 60% of the market and powering more than 1 million websites.

It is built on the MVC design, which divides an application’s back-end architecture into distinct logical components. Laravel’s popularity among Laravel developers has grown significantly due to its built-in powerful features, packages, and extensions

Features of Laravel 

1. Templating Engine 

The Laravel framework includes lightweight templates for creating unique layouts through shared content. It even provides a powerful framework with several widgets that contain JS and CSS code. The well-designed Laravel templates allow for respectable layouts with a variety of components.

2. MVC Structure

Laravel supports MVC architectural principles that allow for discrepancies between representation layers and business logic. This design includes various built-in functionalities that enhance app efficiency and usability.

3. Eloquent ORM

Eloquent is a beautiful and straightforward Active Record implementation provided by Laravel. It greatly simplifies and streamlines the process of dealing with databases and the links between database tables.

4. Artisan Console 

Managing your application is made easier with the help of Artisan, a command-line tool included with Laravel that automates several operations, including database seeding and migrations. With only a few straightforward commands, you can use Artisan to complete ordinary operations like generating files and database tables.

5. Blade Templates 

Blade is a potent, lightweight templating engine that lets you write clean, straightforward PHP code inside of your templates. Without having to write a ton of HTML and CSS from scratch, it makes building layouts and views a breeze.

6. Laravel Mix

Laravel Mix simplifies asset compilation and management, offering an elegant API for defining Webpack build steps. It is commonly used for compiling CSS and JavaScript assets.

Pros & Cons of Laravel 


  • Simple coding: Laravel greatly simplifies the coding process. This is due to the software’s large library of pre-programmed features, which reduces the quantity of coding needed. As a result, utilizing the tools to create reliable web apps is simpler.
  • Highly Scalable: Different projects have different sizes. Depending on your requirements, highly scalable software enables you to take on projects of any size. Laravel is one such adaptable framework that makes it simple to utilize for small and medium-sized web applications.
  • Modular Packaging System: Laravel features a modular packaging system that allows developers to easily add functionalities to their applications, promoting a modular and scalable architecture.
  • Robust Security: The software includes a built-in access control system. Additionally, it has a strong mechanism that makes it easy to deal with any errors or problems. The framework will allow you to store passwords in encrypted format for enhanced security.
  • Seamless data migration: Using Laravel makes data migration much easier. As a result, you will reduce the overall time required to finish the task.
  • Easy to learn: Many web developers think that Laravel is one of the most accessible web frameworks. This is because the comprehensive user manual, even in its most basic version, is readily available. Furthermore, the software includes PHP screencasts that are simple to follow.


  • Lightweight framework: It comes with a long variety of pre-built tools that are intended to simplify Laravel web development. However, it is categorized as lightweight software because it contains fewer functionalities than other frameworks. Even though it can create massive, sophisticated web applications, completing the work can be difficult.
  • Limited support: Unfortunately, Laravel support is not widely accessible. There may be problems in the event of system outages due to the lack of easily available support for the program.
  • Frequent updates: It’s great that Laravel receives updates frequently. However, this has the drawback that earlier versions of the product rapidly develop bugs. Additionally, there are occasions when updating new software versions can present challenges for web developers.
  • Slow loading speed: There are web frameworks that are faster to work with than Laravel. Consequently, in comparison to other frameworks, web development is quite slow.
  • Lack of Built-in API Support: Laravel is primarily designed for server-side web applications, and while it can be used for building APIs, it may not be as specialized or feature-rich in this aspect as frameworks dedicated solely to API development.

What is ReactJS?

React is another popular front-end and open-source Javascript library for developing applications. Even though React is mostly a library rather than a language, its applications in web development are numerous. React is all about creating dynamic web pages that respond to user interactions.

React is used on 4.1% of all websites that have a JavaScript library, and it is present on 133,554 (or 13.36% of the top 1 million websites worldwide).

Facebook is responsible for developing this JavaScript library. It makes it easier for developers to design interactive and dynamic user interfaces by allowing them to generate reusable UI components. React uses a declarative approach, which makes it efficient for handling an application’s state.

React allows you to create large web applications without having to refresh the page when the data changes. React’s primary objectives are speed, simplicity, and scalability. React simplifies the process of developing interactive user interfaces and quickly updates and renders the appropriate components when your data changes.

Features of Reactjs 

1. JavaScript Syntax Extension (JSX)

Combining JavaScript and HTML, JSX simplifies and simplifies learning codes. JavaScript objects can be inserted inside HTML components. Since JSX is not supported by browsers, the code is compiled into JavaScript using the Babel compiler.

2. Virtual Document Object Model (DOM)

The DOM is an important aspect of the web since it divides into modules and implements code. Virtual DOM, which is a replica of real DOM, is used by React. By intelligently updating both the physical and virtual DOM, you can only update the recently changed sections while leaving the rest of the document unchanged.

3. One-way Data Binding

One-way data binding indicates a one-directional flow. The data sets in React only move from parent to child elements in a single way. Thus, one-way data binding maintains the system’s modularity and speed.

4. Extensions 

React includes several extensions that can be used to create full-fledged user interface apps. It provides server-side enablement and supports the building of mobile applications. To help create an efficient user experience, React is extended with Flux, Redux, and React Native.

5. Reusability 

You can reuse the components created using RеachJS. Once you create a visually appealing button or a stylish element, you may use it repeatedly across your website.

6. Declarative Syntax

React uses a declarative approach to building UIs, making it easier to understand and debug code. Developers describe the desired state, and React takes care of updating the UI to match that state.

Pros & Cons of React


  • ReactJS is far simpler to use and learn: There is no shortage of training materials, tutorials, or documentation included with it. In a few days, any developer with a background in JavaScript can quickly grasp React and begin building online applications.
  • Developing dynamic web applications becomes easier: Reactjs makes it easy to create dynamic online applications, but working with HTML strings in particular needs complicated coding, which can be challenging. React JS, however, made things simpler and resolved that problem. It offers more functionality with less coding.
  • Reusable Components: A ReactJS web application is made up of numerous components, each of which is responsible for generating a short, reusable piece of HTML code that can be used again. The reusable code facilitates the development and maintenance of your apps.
  • Support of Handy Tools: React JS has also gained popularity due to the availability of a useful collection of tools. These technologies help developers comprehend and complete their tasks more efficiently. The React Developer Tools are Chrome and Firefox developer extensions that allow you to analyze React component hierarchies in the virtual DOM.
  • SEO-Friendly: Traditional JavaScript frameworks have trouble dealing with SEO. ReactJS solves this issue, making it easier for developers to navigate across different search engines. It is because React.js applications can execute on a server, and the virtual DOM will be rendered and returned to the browser as a regular web page, hence improving SERP rankings.
  • Declarative Syntax: React’s declarative syntax makes it easier to understand and predict how the UI will behave, leading to more straightforward code and fewer bugs.


  • Changes at a rapid pace: The rapid rate of development includes benefits as well as drawbacks. One drawback is that some developers find it difficult to routinely pick up new skills because the environment is changing so quickly. They could find it challenging to implement all of these adjustments given the frequent upgrades.
  • Inadequate Records: It is just another drawback of continuously advancing technology. React technologies are upgrading and speeding so quickly that there is little time to create good documentation.
  • View Section: ReactJS covers only the app’s UI layers and nothing else. To have a full toolkit for project development, you will therefore still need to select a few other technologies.
  • JSX is rather a disadvantage: JSX is among the features of Reactjs. It’s a syntactic modification that permits the mixing of HTML and JavaScript. Although this method has advantages of its own, some developers believe that JSX is a barrier, particularly for inexperienced coders. Developers express concern about the learning curve’s intricacy.

Boilerplate Code: Some developers argue that React applications may have more boilerplate code compared to other libraries or frameworks, which could potentially slow down development in certain scenarios.

Laravel vs React: A Quick Snapshot

DefinitionA JavaScript library for building user interfaces, focusing on the view layer.An open-source PHP web application framework, following the MVC architecture.
Suitable ForFront-end development, especially for creating responsive and dynamic user interfaces.Full-stack web development, emphasizing backend logic, database management, and server-side operations.
ArchitectureComponent-based architecture promotes reusability and modularity.Follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, separating concerns in the backend.
RenderingClient-side rendering, with the ability to use server-side rendering (SSR) for improved performance and SEO.Server-side rendering is possible, but Laravel primarily focuses on client-side rendering.
LanguageJavaScript (ES6/JSX).PHP.
Learning CurveThis Javascript platform has a moderate to steep learning curve, especially for beginners due to concepts like JSX, virtual DOM, and component-based architecture.Laravel, on the other hand, has a moderate learning curve, with a more gradual learning curve compared to React.
Community SupportLarge and active community, extensive documentation, and a wealth of third-party libraries.Active community with a focus on PHP developers, extensive documentation, and a rich ecosystem of packages.
State ManagementUses props and state for managing component data. Additional state management libraries like Redux are commonly used for complex applications.Laravel provides built-in support for managing application state through sessions, cookies, and database interactions.
Mobile DevelopmentReact Native extends React for building cross-platform mobile applications.Laravel is primarily designed for web development, but Laravel Spark provides some support for mobile app backends.
Integration with APIsWell-suited for consuming APIs and building applications that communicate with various backend services.Strong backend capabilities make it suitable for building and exposing APIs. Laravel’s API support is robust.
Use CasesBest suited for dynamic and interactive user interfaces, single-page applications (SPAs), and applications with frequent updates.Ideal for developing a wide range of web applications, from content management systems (CMS) to e-commerce platforms.
FlexibilityHighly flexible, with the ability to choose additional libraries and tools for specific needs.Provides a structured framework with conventions, offering less flexibility compared to React.
ToolingRich ecosystem with tools like Create React App for project setup and various third-party libraries.Laravel comes with the Artisan console for command-line tasks and a wide range of packages for additional functionalities.
SEO ConsiderationsSEO can be a challenge for single-page applications (SPAs), but server-side rendering (SSR) can address this.More SEO-friendly out of the box due to server-side rendering capabilities.
Updates and MaintenanceFrequent updates; developers need to stay updated with the latest practices and potential breaking changes.Updates are less frequent compared to React, providing a more stable environment for long-term projects.

Laravel vs React: Detailed Comparison to Make the Right Decision. 

1. Learning Curve and Documentation

Laravel: Laravel has been praised for its developer-friendly language and thorough documentation. The Laravel community actively contributes to paperwork, forums, and tutorials, which facilitates developers’ initial setup and problem-solving.

React: The learning curve of React is somewhat harder for newcomers, particularly those unfamiliar with JavaScript or current front-end development techniques. On the other hand, React has extensive documentation, a strong community, and a plethora of learning tools.

2. Performance 

Laravel: This PHP framework has outstanding performance right out of the box, but it can be made even better by using features like caching, queuing, and query optimization to improve performance. Laravel applications may be horizontally scaled by adding more servers to accommodate the rising workload.

React’s virtual DOM allows for efficient modifications to the user interface, resulting in improved performance. To enhance initial page load times, React apps can be improved with strategies such as code separation and server-side rendering (SSR).

3. Prototyping and Development Pace

Laravel: Laravel’s sleek syntax and pre-installed tools, such as the Blade template engine and Eloquent ORM, facilitate quick development. Laravel Spark is a SaaS application scaffolding tool that makes rapid prototyping and startups easier by speeding up the development of subscription-based online services.

React: This platform’s component-based architecture enables quick development, particularly for single-page applications. Developers may easily set up a React project with the help of tools like Create React App. React’s virtual DOM improves the performance of UI updates, resulting in a more seamless work experience. 

4. Security Features 

Laravel: Laravel places a high priority on security, incorporating measures that prevent SQL injection attacks such as hashed passwords, CSRF protection, and the Eloquent ORM. Laravel Sanctum makes it straightforward and convenient to authenticate APIs, ensuring a safe connection between the front end and back end.

React: React is less concerned with security and more on the display layer and user interface elements. React apps frequently use server-side security mechanisms, which highlights the significance of a secure backend.

5. Libraries and Community Packages

Laravel: Composer, the package manager for Laravel, makes it easy for developers to incorporate a large number of community-contributed packages. The Laravel ecosystem has packages for a variety of capabilities, including authorization, image processing, and API development. Laravel Nova, an exclusive administration panel, also expands Laravel’s functionality.

React: The npm repository has a large number of JavaScript modules and packages that support React development. Among the prominent libraries used with React are Redux for state management, React Router for navigation, and Axios for HTTP requests. These packages’ accessibility shortens project deadlines and improves the development experience.

6. Scalability and Architecture

Laravel: Laravel’s MVC architecture encourages clear concern separation, which facilitates the management and scalability of applications. It includes built-in support for caching, queueing, and database migrations, which improves the scalability of Laravel applications.
React: The component-based architecture of Reactjs promotes reusability and simplifies the development process. While React is primarily focused on the view layer, it can be smoothly combined with other libraries and frameworks to create scalable apps.

Conclusion: Which one to choose?

It may be both exciting and difficult, particularly for choosing the right tools for your undertaking.

All things considered, we have Laravеl, a robust back end framework that many developers rely on for its server-side capabilities. The other corner features React, a dynamic front-end solution known for creating attractive user interfaces and seamless user experiences.

However, the true question is: which one should you choose? Well, there is no simple answer.

Laravеl is an excellent choice if you require a strong back-end architecture. A popular choice for many web projects, Laravеl makes server-side development easier.

Now, we have React on the other side. With React, creating engaging and visually striking user interfaces is as easy as pulling out an artist’s palette. It excels at creating single-page applications with responsive design, interactive websites, and overall excellent user experiences.

Therefore, the answer to which is better for web development – Laravel or React – is not about which is better than the other; rather, it’s about using the right tool for the task at hand. In the end, everything comes down to your project’s objectives and requirements.

Laravel vs. React: FAQs

1. Which front-end is optimal for Laravel?

React is one of the most popular libraries for front-end development. The integration works flawlessly. All you have to do is add your items in the appropriate directory and call the react() function in the Laravel Mix setup. However since Laravel officially supports Vue.JS, you may use it with appropriate documentation and helpful community support.

2. Is Reactjs only used for web development?

React is typically used for online development, but with Reactjs’ extension of React Native, it can also be used to create mobile apps. It’s a well-liked framework that makes it possible to create native apps with React.

3. Which are the top websites using Reactjs?

React is a widely adopted JavaScript library with nearly 12 million live websites leveraging its capabilities. 

Some notable examples include social media giant Facebook, educational platforms like Codecademy, renowned media outlets like The New York Times and Bloomberg, collaborative software company Atlassian, file hosting service Dropbox, community-driven platform Reddit, and online accommodation marketplace Airbnb.

4. Which are some of the popular platforms using Laravel?

Laravel is the popular PHP platform for development and some of the leading brands are using it. It includes BBC, Crowdcube, Etsy, Laracasts, Deltatre, Cyber-Duck, Drupal, Experience Digital, etc.

5. Is it necessary to choose between React and Laravel, or can they be used together in the same project?

React and Laravel can be used together in the same project, commonly referred to as a “decoupled” or “headless” architecture. In such setups, React handles the front-end user interface, while Laravel manages the back-end logic. This approach offers flexibility, allowing developers to choose the best tools for specific tasks within a project.

Nirav Panchal
Lead – Custom Development

Lead of the Custom Development team at KrishaWeb, holds AWS certification and excels as a Team Leader. Renowned for his expertise in Laravel and React development. With expertise in cloud solutions, he leads with innovation and technical excellence.


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