Hello, Welcome to weekly tech news round up for 16th May to 22nd May. There are lots of things going on in web industry this week. We have covered few interesting searches, social media and development news in this post. From the search industry perspective the big news is Google has confirmed the quality algorithm change they have made earlier this month. Facebook has also revealed some future updates in their events feature. WordPress has also rolled out an update to fix the security flow of websites. So here are the most important stories of the week.
The big news first. There has been lots of chatter about the possible Panda, Penguin or Phantom update by Google earlier this month. But Google has denied all probabilities of any such update. Google has also confirmed that they have changed the way they access the website quality. This Quality update is the reason that many webmasters have faced ranking and traffic fluctuations in the last couple of weeks. Though Google has not clearly revealed how they measure the website quality, but this algorithm deals with the overall website quality rather than any specific quality aspect of website.
As per Wall Street Journal, Google is about to introduce a Buy button in search results to outsell Amazon and eBay. Shoppers who click on the Buy button will be taken to another Google Product Page where they will be able to customize the order and payment methods to complete the order. This new feature can make online purchase easier directly through search result and will provide the consistent shopping experience to every shopper.
Roger Montti has posted the revised on-page SEO ranking factors for 2015 on Webmaster World. He has also pointed out the factors that are no longer used by the Google according to him. So the most important on-page factor in 2015 are all user experience matrix, shorter title tags, original content, original images and quality site design, etc. Also, you should stop focusing on keywords targeting, long tail phrases, ranking for specific keywords and lean code.
Google has announced that they are going to rename the Webmasters tools with the “Google Search Console”. Google has launched the Webmaster Tool ten years back and since then it has been continuously improved. They are looking to make upgrades in the tool features to make it easier for all kinds of users to diagnose and improve the visibility of their content.
Google and Twitter are partnering to show up the tweets directly into the mobile search results. Google will be able to get real time content and users will able to get the latest tweet updates directly in search result as a result of this partnership. It is not working on the desktop for all languages as of now, but it looks perfect in Google app (Android and iOS) and mobile browsers. It is a great way to get real-time information when something is happening.
Facebook has reached to over 1.44 billion monthly active users in the latest quarter and it is continuously growing in size and influence. These users create hundreds of thousands of events every day. Facebook Event product manager Aditya Koolwal has exclusively shared some of the future, updates that users can expect in the upcoming months. He has given his thoughtful insights on event display and invitation features while talking with Mashable.
Facebook has said on the last Monday that they could let business interact with users through WhatsApp. WhatsApp is one of the fastest growing messaging application having around 800 million active users now. Facebook has purchased this messaging application for $21.8 billion last year. Allowing businesses to contact users through WhatsApp will definitely transform the B2C messaging in all industries.
People spend hundreds of millions of hours watching videos on YouTube every day. YouTube has made a visual change in interface and adopted the Roboto as its official fonts. Roboto is also the official font for Android. So it looks like Google owned video streaming website is trying to provide the consistent user experience to Android and YouTube users.
WordPress has rolled out an update on Thursday to address the security flow issue. Security flow issue was the area of concern for millions of websites on web and that is why WordPress has solved the technical issues regarding this. WordPress has already started rolling out this update for the users who have kept automatic updates enabled. But for those who don’t get the updates automatically, they can get the update from the updates menu in main dashboard.
So, these are the major tech updates for this week. I hope this will find helpful for you. I will see you again next week with some more interesting happenings of the industry. Till then happy surfing. Have a pleasant weekend!
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