What’s New in Drupal 10? [Updated 3rd Party Components – Themes and much more]

what's new in Drupal 10

So, again we are here with the new and most awaited update in Drupal, one of the most flexible open-source CMS.

Yes, here we are talking about Drupal 10. As per the official statement from Drupal Association – The expected release date of 14 December 2022 for Drupal 10 is coming up, and we are pretty much excited to share it with the Drupal community spread all over the world!

We know, everyone is curious about what’s new we’ll get in Drupal 10, and why not! We all must be aware of what new advancements it is bringing on to the table.

Let’s have a deep dive into the upcoming Drupal 10…

What’s New in Drupal 10?

Drupal 10 will introduce several new and important features…

Let’s go through them that Drupal 10 will provide us with for a better experience.

Enlisting New Key Features of Drupal 10

1) Olivero Default Theme [Replacing Bartik]

2) Claro Administration Theme [New Backend Theme – Replacing Seven]

3) New StarterKit Theme [Theme Starterkit tools for bespoke theme creation]

4) Decoupled Menus

5) Introducing CKEditor 5 with better authoring experience and more modern editing [replacing CKEditor 4]

6) Symfony [replacing Symfony 4] and PHP 8.x [replacing PHP 7, required for security]

7) Modern JavaScript Components will replace the use of jQuery UI

8) Automatic Updates

9) The Project Browser


Olivero Default Theme

Olivero Default Theme for Front-End

Source: Drupal.org

The administration panel will be redesigned as well. The modern appearance will also appeal to the page’s visitors. The Olivero theme was designed to take full advantage of the new system’s capabilities and to work with user-favourite features like Layout Builder. The theme will be WCAG AA compliant.

– Visit Drupal.org – Olivero for more details

Claro Administration Theme [Backend Theme]

Claro - Back End Theme in Drupal 10

Source: Drupal.org

Claro theme will replace the “Seven” theme, designed in 2009 for Drupal 7 and slightly updated in Drupal 8, which was discouraging new users by giving the impression of an out-of-date system.

Drupal 10 has been designed to follow all the latest standards and has been adapted to take full advantage of the new versions of this CMS.

– Visit Drupal.org – Claro for more details

New StarterKit Theme

New StarterKit Theme

Source: Drupal.org

In comparison to Drupal 8 or 9, the approach to template development will be altered. We won’t extend the base theme because of the new starterkit, but we will generate a clean template as a starting point for building our theme.

This avoids inheriting the entire template, which has very limited update options due to the need of maintaining backward compatibility.

The concept of creating child themes remains unchanged – we can still create additional themes that inherit the design elements from our main theme. The theme generation will be automated and handled by Drupal scripts.

Decoupled Menus

Drupal is a very trusted CMS because it supports REST, JSON, and GraphQL APIs. The plan for Drupal 10 is to increase the number of web service endpoints available that allow you to create a large repository of web components and JavaScript framework integrations. And that’s why Drupal 10 uses Decoupled Menus feature to fulfil the purpose. This feature can be used to build a small web component that ships quickly and addresses a common use case. Drupal’s leadership can significantly extend both headless development and composability by creating more web service endpoints and JavaScript components. As a result, Drupal can continue to be one of the most powerful and adaptable CMS for developers.

Introducing CKEditor 5

The integration with CKEditor version 5 is the most critical requirement for Drupal 10.

You must be wondering WHY?

Because CKEditor 4 will be deprecated at the end of 2023, Drupal 10 should use CKEditor 5. Thousands of hours have been invested in integrating this new CKEditor into Drupal, and also spent considerable huge time in close collaboration with the CKEditor team to make these all happen.

Symfony 6 [replacing Symfony 4]

Symfony is one of Drupal’s main drivers, and it will be decommissioned in November 2022. As a result, Symfony 5 compatibility issues have been resolved, and developers can now use it with Drupal 10. The team is also excited about updating Symfony 6.

Upgrade to PHP 8.x

This update in PHP is notable because it will allow Drupal 10 to use tools that will enable enhanced performance and continued growth. Because PHP 8.1 is a major revision to PHP, there are new features developers will appreciate such as enums, first-class callable syntax, read-only properties, intersection types, fibres, performance improvements, and more.

Modern JavaScript Components to Replace the Uses of jQuery UI

Drupal 10 runs on PHP 8, and PHP 7 will be phased out. Furthermore, Drupal 10 will not be compatible with Internet Explorer 11. The jQuery UI could eventually be replaced by modern JavaScript components.

Drupal Upgrade Tip:

Drupal 8 reached its end of life in November 2021! You must update to Drupal 9 first to update to Drupal 10 later on. Use Upgrade Status to analyse your site.

Automatic Updates

Auto Updates module applies patch-level updates to Drupal core in a separate, sandboxed copy of your site, to keep you up and running until the update is completely ready to be deployed. It can detect and report problems at every stage of the update process, so you don’t have to find out about them after an update is live. It automatically detects database updates in an incoming update and helps you run them during the process.

Watch this full video – Automatic Updates from DrupalCon Portland:

The Project Browser [It’s in an early stage of development]

Source: Drupal.org

Project Browser makes it easy for site builders to find modules and themes. Once a project is selected, instructions are provided on how to install the extension on your site. The browser lives inside the Drupal site itself on a new Browse tab under Extend. This means you don’t need to leave your site in order to look for projects.

Read more here about upcoming Drupal core features in Drupal 10…

So yes, That’s It About Drupal 10…

Drupal 10 is on its way… And the best way to prepare is to stay in knowledge. Organizations are not hesitating to make that change now that Drupal has adapted to a flexible update schedule and easier migration processes. You can rely on our Drupal Migration expertise and experience if you have a strong desire of migrating your website to Drupal 9 and prepare for Drupal 10.

We’d love to discuss your Drupal migration project

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