Facebook expands conversion lift measurement tool

It is easy to measure views and clicks for your Facebook ads but when it comes to define the sales; it becomes very difficult to measure the impact of Facebook ads on online and offline sales. Well, Facebook has recently announced a new tool that will help you accurately measure the amount of new business that you are getting through Facebook ads.

Facebook Lift Measurement now allows marketers to measure the online sales and more significantly track the offline sales driven by the Facebook advertising. This new feature will be available globally, but only for the advertisers who work directly with the Facebook team. Advertisers who have Facebook sales representative can now set up conversion lift studies for their campaign and see the results in near real-time in the Ads Manager reporting.

Facebook has described the process of conversion lift measurement on official blog post revealing Conversion Lift. Here is how they collect the data to measure the conversion lift.

Conversion lift accurately captures the impact that Facebook ads have in driving business for marketers. Here’s how it works:

  1. When creating a Facebook campaign, a randomized test group (people that see ads) and control group (people that don’t) are established
  2. The advertiser securely shares conversion data from the campaign with Facebook. Typically, this data comes from sources like the Facebook Custom Audiences pixel, conversion pixel or secure point-of-sale (POS) data.
  3. Facebook determines additional lift generated from the campaign by comparing conversions in the test and control groups
  4. The results of the study are made available in Ads Manager

Advertisers can accurately find out the additional leads to their business driven by the Facebook advertising.  Though Facebook is going to make it accessible globally, but they have kept this service limited to the larger accounts as of now.

It is quite a useful solution for digital marketers to overcome the performance measurement problems. Last click attribution doesn’t always provide a clear view of lead conversion. Conversion lift provides the more holistic view the performance of the ads. It will allow marketers to measure the impact of the ads even if user access ads via multiple devices throughout the day and make purchases of the physical store. Conversion lift measurement is a scientific approach used by various industries to find out the relationship between different aspects of marketing.

Many Facebook advertisers have already used conversion lift study and observed success with their campaign. Open colleges (an Australian online learning provider) has noticed 95% improvement in website conversions and 12% lift in offline enrollments. While last click conversion is not the only factor that affect buyer’s behavior; Conversion lift study can definitely help marketers to find out which tactic in Facebook Ads is driving conversions for the business.

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