KrishaWeb Experience and Glimpses of Meet Magento Singapore 2022 [#MM22SG]

Meet Magento Singapore 2022

The global eCommerce event Meet Magento Singapore was finally held in person on August 25, 2022, after 2 long years of virtual events due to the pandemic. Happily, KrishaWeb seized the chance to attend the event and network with the many different businesses, people, retailers, and merchants involved in digital commerce.

The opportunity to do our wonders was a great one. The event started with a ceremonial lion dance, continued with educational sessions on the future of eCommerce and many more topics, and ended with a lively after-party with all the professionals.

Have you missed the opportunity to attend the event? Here, we share the event’s emotional roller coaster ride with KrishaWeb.

Meet Magento Singapore 2022 – Key highlights from the event

East Coast Beach Run MM22SG

A day before the final showdown of the big event, there was a fun adventure run at Marina Bay Sands with all the attendees and fellow community members. It was just the perfect ounce of energetic warm-up start. [P.s. the East Coast park was gorgeous and will stay in our minds forever] 

The Power of Simplicity 

It was action time! A session right after the welcome remarks by Sushma Vyas, COO, Ranosys and Simon Dale, MD, Southeast Asia & Korea, Adobe. This was an amazing session by Maurizio Stella, VP Digital Commerce at Ranosys. The session covered a talk on reducing decision-making complexity and risks whilst increasing ROI and customer satisfaction. 

Morning Refreshments 

The event was followed by a morning refreshment time which was one of the most intriguing networking opportunities, exchanging new learnings, thoughts, ideas, and experiences in various fields.   

Adobe Commerce Modular Composable Architecture 

A session by Vikrant Shukla, Cloud Solution Architect, Adobe where he explained and discussed what is the architecture all about, Adobe’s hybrid commerce compatibility, business considerations, and technicalities. And it was an interesting session!

Conversational Commerce. Meeting customer demand throughout the sales funnel

The event was followed by a session by Terence Rajah, Principal Commerce Consultant LivePerson talking on “The Pace of Commerce”. The session had an informative evolution of commerce from barter to commerce, ecommerce, and mobile commerce. 

Moving forward!

Other sessions 

After these couple of sessions, there were many other speakers talking on various topics namely, taking Magento to performance max by David “Psy” Deppner, CEO Psyberware, top trends of the next payment frontier by Lutfillo Yuldoshev, Business Development Director, Worldpay from FIS, Evolution is the only way to last longer by Vatsal Shah, ecommerce consultant, and Speaker Pragmatic Consultancy, and Circle of commerce – strategy for attract, convert and fulfillment hosted by Matthew McClelland, dotdigital.

Delicious lunch break

Lunch break is a fruitful conversation place for all the community leaders, community members, and attendees to exchange ideas, trends, and network with people around. After all, food and people add up some mind-bustling ideas and convert business talks.

Evening refreshments and sessions

Once again, another opportunity to make some more connections and network with famous personalities like Tyson Hackwood from Zonos, David Deppener, and more. The event continued with other sessions on digital experience with Adobe universe, how B2B businesses can successfully incorporate D2C model, the outlook for ecommerce landscapes, and closing remarks by Rameshwar Vyas, CEO of Ranosys. 

At the end of the event, there was an amazing networking session sponsored by Zonos at Marine Bay Sands. It was an ultimate thrill to meet new people from the eCommerce industry, seasoned Magento professionals, experienced developers, ambitious merchants, and many other technology partners from around the world of business of future digital commerce.  

After Party

Of course, this was the most fun and exciting experience – the Meet Magento 2022 After Party. We think it would be better expressed with some glimpses from the party. Have a look!

Nisarg (Sharing his experience attending Meet Magento Singapore 2022)

If I want to wrap my experience in one line then I would say “it was fantastic and I love being in Singapore”. It was a colorful, vibrant, modern, forever-changing, and self-developing country. It’s easy-breezy and I personally recommend visiting Singapore on a DIY basis because it gives you flexibility with your plans, a sense of self-dependence and it is also cost-effective. 

The Day before the event Ranosys organized a 5km Marathon named “East Coast Beach Run”. I never expected to finish that run even in 1 hour but somehow I was able to finish before that time. I was feeling energetic the entire day because of the Marathon and the support of my fellow Magento Community and later that day, I also walked around 7 kms more in the Garden By The Way & Marina Barrage. 

Now coming to the main event i.e. The Meet Magento Singapore, was held in Marina Bay Sands Convention Center with a mesmerizing view of Marina Bay Sands Hotel. The event was a big hit with lots of legendary speakers giving great insights for all Magento & eCommerce community. I personally got a chance to meet some great personalities from the Magento Community and was able to network with them and also have some good knowledge sharing conversations. 

Milan (Sharing his experience attending Meet Magento Singapore 2022)

It was a splendid experience overall! There was an energetic warm-up run at the East Coast Beach with all the fellow community members. To my surprise, I completed the entire long run for the first time. That was an achievement in itself for me! 

The day after this run was the actual action time of the event. Meet Magento was one of my best experiences whilst meeting the vast Magento community with all the fruitful sessions and useful information that I gained. I had an amazing opportunity to meet some brilliant minds and great personalities during refreshment time. The event was closed with fun, drinks, and networking “After Party” which was amazing and a memory that will twirl in my mind for the rest of the year! 

Short Conclusion
We had a great time at Meet Magento Singapore 2022! We are eagerly anticipating the following conference in 2023. For more details on the event, feel free to check out our Twitter profile!

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