Apple launched two new Apple devices, new iPhone SE (4 – inch) and smaller sized iPad Pro (9.7 – inch). Along with new products, Apple announced about the price drop in Apple watch, voice detector in Apple TV, recycling robot and Carekit – expansion of ResearchKit.
Let’s take a look to the major announcements of Apple Event.
Finally Apple has revealed the new iPhone SE. A smaller iPhone SE of 4 – inches has the same A9 processor as the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus. The new iPhone is featured with the same 12-Megapixel camera and panorama up to 63MP, live photo support, upgraded wifi and network connection. It is available in grey, silver, golden and red gold color. Pre orders starts from 24th March. This new iPhone SE costs from $399 to $499 with 64GB.
In this event, Apple has launched one more product with the new iPhone SE that is smaller sized 9.7 – inch iPad Pro. This is the fist tablet comes in red gold color with the 256 GB capacity model. This new iPad Pro will be available for pre order by 24 March. You can enjoy brighter new brand display, louder speakers, improved cameras of 12 – megapixel rear camera, and improved Facetime HD camera using this iPad Pro. It’s cost starts from $599 for 32 GB model, $749 for 128GB Model and $899 for 256 GB model.
After iOS 9.0 this is the biggest iOS update by Apple. Apple VP, Greg Joswiak has announced special features of iOS 9.3 update. The special feature is Night Shift feature that reduces the eyestrain by changing the color temperature of the display at night. This update also featured with Password protection for Notes app, Keeping tabs on iPhone that will alert if your employer keeping tabs on your iPhone and improvement in News and Health apps. CarPlay also gets new features.
There wasn’t any technical update for Apple Watch in this event. Still there was an important announcement for this Apple device that the drop in pricing. Apple watch now starts from $299 that was previously $349. Some new watch bands are available such as woven nylon bands with different colors. Apple has also added new sport and leather bands.
Apple TV gets voice detection feature. Apple announced some new features to tvOS that is Apple TV software. Now, you need not to type your password in letters and characters. Say your username and password to Siri remote and you can sign in through your voice. Along with voice detection, Apple TV gets support for Live Photos and app folders.
Apple announced Carekit, an expansion of its ResearchKit framework. Carekit is an open source framework that helps developers to create app based on data collected from users through Reserachkit. Carekit helps people to understand data for various health conditions. Carekit will be rolled out in April.
Apple’s VP of Environment Lisa Jackson has announced about a research and development project called “Liam”. This is a recycle robot designed to destruct the old iPhones to reuse materials.
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