Webmasters are used to get the insights and manage the campaign using AdWords Android Application now. It is one of the most effective tools by Google that makes AdWords management simple yet effective. According to the company this app has been installed hundreds of thousands of times by the users across 195 countries. Users can view and manage the ad performance; update bids, get real-time notifications and suggestions and even call a Google expert using the AdWord App. The company has made some improvements and added some features to make it more efficient.
Google AdWords Product Manager Mr. Cameron McKnight has announced the update on official AdWords blog. He has also shared some of the experiences of the community using the app so far. For example, Clarence Smith of Blue Emu says, “The AdWords mobile app has quickly proved itself as a valuable tool to help me stay on top of my ad campaigns, It includes my favorite features like editing campaign status and making bid adjustments that help me manage performance within seconds.” According to Mr. Cameron the company has worked out on the suggestions of the community and implemented their recommendations in this update.
The major updates include the new billing summary, and more columns in the performance table. New easy-to-see dashboard gives the instant insights about your billing and payment information. You can also manage your payment options from the dashboard. You can view payment history, add or update your payment method, edit your billing profile, add or edit card details from your smartphone now. The company has also added additional columns in the performance table. You can swipe left to see the additional columns. These additional performance columns include matrices like conversions, impression share, etc. You can monitor these performance tables for your campaigns, ad groups and keywords etc.
Google AdWords App is a great tool to monitor and manage your Adwords campaigns through your Android Device. If you are not using the app, you can download the app from here. It will be available for the iOS users very soon, according to Google officials.
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