To build front-end applications, React is the most suitable tool. The ultimate library for front-end developers today is ReactJs. Many companies view these skills as essential, simply put, if you get better at development if you learn ReactJs. This article will proffer you some tips which you can easily implement to your React game and it will help you transform into a better ReactJs Developer. All right, folks — It’s time to read another piece to become better ReactJs developers, write better code, assist you to improve your React game and excel at coding interviews.
When we discuss good developers, they know those small modules, classes, or anything is much quicker to learn and maintain, the same can be done with the React components. The measure of the component depends upon a set of different factors, but to me, the components should be smaller than anticipated. Let’s see an example:
const HelloWorld = props => (
<h1>Hello World</h1>
{ => <Fact key={fact.slug} fact={fact}/>) }
A simple way to test React components and get better functions can be found by using functional components because it proffers easy and shorter code. Let’s take an example:
function ShowName(props) {
return <div>Hello World {}!</div>
The same component is written in ES6:
const ShowName = ({name}) => <div>Hello World {name}!</div>
Now if below is an example of the component as a class component:
class ShowName extends Component {
render() {
return <div>Hello World {}!</div>
If there is a class component that is only rendering a method, you should always use a functional component.
The latest version of Hooks i.e. v16.8.0 should be utilized while working with the codes. Hooks doesn’t need to work inside classes which means, Hooks offers us to utilize react functions without classes. Additionally, Hook offers a more direct API to the react functions we already know, such as props, refs, lifecycle, context, and state. Additionally, we can also make our own hooks in React JS. Let’s see below the examples of useState and useEffect.
a. useState
import React, { useState } from ‘react’;
export default function ExampleComponent() {
const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(false);
return (
{ isVisible && <h1>Bumper offer!</h1> }
<button onClick={setIsVisible(true)}></button>
b. useEffect
import React, { useState, useEffect } from ‘react’;
export default function ExampleComponent() {
const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(false);
const [offerText, setOfferText] = useState(‘No offer!’);
// Similar to componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate:
useEffect(() => {
// Update the offer text
!isVisible && setOfferText(‘Bumper offer!’);
}, [isVisible]);
return (
<button onClick={setIsVisible(true)}></button>
React needs all your Components to yield a single element. For a century, this was a significant problem, causing you to wrap everything in a div or use array notation.
const DivWrap = () => {
return (
<ComponentA />
<ComponentB />
const ArrayNotation = () => {
return [
<ComponentA key=”a” />
<ComponentB key=”b” />
After React 16.2, Fragment was introduced. It is a React element that you can use to group elements together but does not add any element to the DOM. It does not add any element to DOM, while the React element that you can easily use to group elements together.
Available for Chrome and Firefox, React Dev Tools is an amazing extension used for coding. It makes so debugging your application child’s play by offering you all the details like props, hooks, state, and everything in between for each and every component.
Also, a ReactJs developer can also check the code base of websites of top-notch companies such as Netflix, Facebook, and every other company using ReactJs.
Are you tired of repeating the same task again and again? How about adding Navbar, Footer, and Sidebar to every page again and again? Higher-Order Component (HOC) could be your savior.
HOC is a futuristic technique in React used by ReactJs developers for reusing component logic. It will let you take a function and will come back with a new function with the functionality or data of the HOC included. withRouter() or connect() are examples of some common HOCs.
Without having to pass props down manually at entry-level, the react API offers a way to pass data through the component tree.
Typically, the usage of the app can be cumbersome for certain types of props that are needed by many components within the app, but in the React application, data is passed top-down via props. Without having to explicitly pass a prop through the entry-level of the tree, Context offers a way to share values like these between components.
The React components that catch JavaScript errors anywhere in their child component tree, log those errors and portray a fallback UI instead their child component tree that is trashed. In lifecycle methods and in constructors of the whole tree below them, error boundaries pick errors during rendering the above.
The tools that integrate well together to provide flexible and creative testing abilities are Jest and Enzyme which are different but complementary tools. It is crucial first to know what testing is. It is a crucial and integral part of the software development process that helps us ensure the product’s stability. It is the level of testing at which every component of the software is tested.
Final words on React best practices
Hope that this list of ReactJs best practices will assist you to sharpen your skills as a ReactJs developer. If you have any React-related questions, feel free to submit them in the comments below.
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