101 Website Redesign Questions to Hire the Best Web Design Company!

Website Redesign Questions

Have you heard of that game, when a group of children take turns whispering a single message to the individual to their right, and at the end of the line, the message usually has an entirely different meaning than when it began?

That’s a simple game, but it shows the value of communicating and asking the proper questions to get the most out of a website redesign project. The initial phase of a website makeover is called the discovery phase. It consists of a great deal of questions to direct both study and analysis. 

It is possibly considered the most important part of the design process. This first stage guarantees that the completed website achieves its intended purpose: to achieve your business objectives and convey the message you want.

To assist agencies in navigating the particular obstacles of brand redesign projects, we’ve developed a list of questions as well as crucial considerations and areas to look for!

So, without any further ado – let’s get started.

First, Decide: Does your Website Really Need Redesigning? 

Deciding whether to redesign your website involves thinking about a few important things. First, look at your website and see if there are any problems. If people have trouble using it or if they leave quickly, it might need fixing. Also, check what other companies are doing with their websites. If they have new features that you don’t, it could be time to update yours.

Next, think about any big changes in your business. If you’ve started selling new products or if you’ve changed your branding, your website should reflect those changes.

Finally, decide if you need to completely change your website or just make some small updates. Sometimes, just changing a few things like the design or the words on your site can make a big difference. It’s like giving your house a fresh coat of paint instead of building a whole new one. By considering these things carefully, you can make the right choice for your website and help your business grow.

If you really want to redesign your website, you can move forward to hiring a website redesigning company. 

6 Important Considerations To Hire the Best Website Redesigning Company

Now, you have decided that your website needs a redesign. But, you can’t just hire any website redesigning to do the work for you. There are so many important considerations that you should keep in mind to get the most out of it. 

If you need help, here are some things that you should consider: 

1. Experience & Skills

When hiring a website designing company, the very first thing you should consider is the experience and skills of the company and the team as well. 

When selecting a web design company for your redesign project, prioritize their expertise across various areas. Look for strong design skills to ensure visual appeal and user-friendliness. This expertise and experience guarantee smooth processes, while industry knowledge tailors the website to your audience and market trends. 

They should understand the unique characteristics of your target audience, the competitive landscape, and the trends shaping your industry to deliver a website that effectively communicates your brand message and achieves your business objectives.

2. Check out their past projects & testimonials 

Would you employ an artist to paint without first viewing their prior work? In a similar vein, the design of your website is a masterpiece. You should only put your trust in someone who has proven their abilities and is reputable.

So, while choosing a website design company you should consider their past work, portfolio, industries or businesses they have worked with before, and the customers’ testimonials. 

You can reach out to their customers about their experience while working with this website design company, their processes, and their results. If you like what you see, you’re on the right track and it helps you make better decisions and get the best results. 

3. Technical Know-How

It’s vital to find out whether a web design agency that designs websites has the necessary technical know-how to ensure they are a good fit for the project before employing them for your redesign. 

By asking them the correct questions and considering their experience with previous projects, you can make sure they are fully versed in the methods, tools, and technology they are talking about.

You can also find out whether they have experience with your current technologies or can help your smooth migration to different frameworks and technologies. 

4. Check if your goals align with a website design company 

When considering partnering with another company, it’s essential to ensure that your values and approaches are compatible. One effective way to assess this is by examining the statement of purpose provided by the web design company, typically found on their website. 

These documents often reveal insights into the company’s core values, principles, and overall philosophy. By delving into this information, you can gain a deeper understanding of their ethos and determine whether it aligns with your own. Additionally, engaging in conversations with the web design company helps you uncover potential areas based on mutual understanding and shared objectives.     

5. Look for a web design company that offers a range of services! 

Always seek out a web design firm that provides a variety of services, since this indicates that they can handle all of your web design requirements. A web design company that provides a wide range of services, including web development, design, SEO, content generation, and maintenance, may handle all aspects of your website’s appearance and functionality.

Additionally, they can modify their offerings to suit your particular requirements and provide customized fixes to improve the functionality of your website. To ensure that the functionality, content, and appearance of your website are all optimized to help you meet your business objectives, choose a website designing company that offers a comprehensive range of services.   

6. Check out the pricing 

Web redesign services are not priced similarly across all agencies. To make sure it fits within your budget, it is vital to take into account the cost. Nonetheless, if you appreciate the potential money that your company’s website could generate, it may be worthwhile to collaborate with a premium web design agency, even if their services surpass your original budget.  

You may avoid overspending on web design services by carefully analyzing pricing and making sure the company you hire charges competitively for its services. It’s crucial to think about the pricing structure and the things that are included in the package, such as maintenance and support, to avoid surprises down the road. 

But, that’s not it. This is only for shortlisting. Now, when you have shortlisted a few web design companies to do the work for you, there are so many questions that you should ask to hire the right one.

Why should One Ask Questions to Web Design Agencies for Clarity? 

Asking the right questions before a website redesign is like laying the groundwork for a successful renovation. It’s about figuring out what’s not working, what we want to improve, and what goals we have in mind. By asking these questions, we can make sure we’re on the right track to create a website that’s better and more effective than before.

Here’s how it benefits you, explained in detail: 

  • You can get a website that works in your favor: Another advantage is that you receive a website that helps you fulfil business goals and helps your visitors navigate easily—rather than just an appealing online presence that you have to make work for you. Each color, motion, page, and design has a purpose and a connection.
  • Helps maintain consistency with branding and messaging: Questions about branding guidelines, visual identity, and messaging ensure that the redesigned website remains consistent with the overall brand image and communication strategy. Consistency builds trust and reinforces brand recognition.
  • You get what you want: How many times have we heard stories of websites falling short of expectations or requiring revisions due to a miscommunication that occurred the first, second, or third time? Far too many! However, you may avoid this if you have the correct questions and answers in mind.
  • Ensures the redesign addresses shortcomings of the current website: Asking questions about what’s not working well with the current website helps identify pain points and areas for improvement. This ensures that the redesign isn’t just an update but actually addresses core issues to create a better user experience.
  • Targets the core problems: We hate websites that are so gaudy and flashy and they are difficult to navigate. Asking the right questions from an agency gives them a brief ensures the obvious doesn’t get overlooked and what matters stays in focus.
  • Keep everything in line: Having all of the answers in one location for easy access throughout the project keeps all website users in sync. It also enables everyone to examine the data and offer any early-stage insights that could change the course of the project.
  • Receive an accurate estimate right away: Asking all questions from the start keeps you on budget and on time. Although unforeseen, unavoidable events can happen occasionally, the initial proposal – which contains the timeframe and budget—has a higher chance of being accurate if you have more information upfront.
  • Saves time and resources in the long run: Investing time in asking the right questions before a website redesign may require upfront effort, but it ultimately saves time and resources in the long run. By clarifying objectives, identifying issues, and aligning everyone’s expectations early on, you can streamline the redesign process and avoid costly revisions or setbacks later.

101 Website Redesign Questions to Ask

You now know that there are some questions that you ask before hiring a web redesigning company. But, you are unaware of which questions to ask. Let’s discuss some of the questions you can ask you can ask to hire the best website redesigning company and get the best website for your business. 

# Some general questions 

1. Can you provide examples of websites you’ve redesigned in the past?

2. How long have you been in business?

3. What sets your agency apart from others?

4. Do you have experience working with businesses in our industry?

5. Can you walk us through your typical website redesign process?

6. Can you provide references or client testimonials?

7. How do you handle post-launch support and maintenance?

8. How do you market and competitor research before redesigning the website?

9. Can we A/B test various parts of the website to optimize it?  

10. How do you incorporate user personas and journey mapping into the website redesign strategy to ensure targeted results?

11. Do you want involvement from our team throughout the strategy development? 

12. Can you outline your approach to brand positioning and differentiation within the website redesign strategy to ensure a unique and compelling online presence?

13. Have you included SEO strategy in your initial strategy plan? What analytics platform would you integrate with the site?  Can you set it up and teach me how to use it?

14. How do you set up websites to convert visitors to contacts?

15. What is your core focus while making a strategy for the website redesign? 

16. What are the things that we should keep from our current website? 

17. How do you plan on creating a website design that communicates with our target audience and attracts them to stay? 

18. How do you approach information architecture and content organization?

19. How will we manage the communication and collaboration process when developing the site?

20. Which project management and communications tools do you use throughout the website redesign process? 

21. Do we have a project manager throughout the project management process or do I need to directly speak to a designer or developer? 

22. Can I talk to a designer or developer if needed? 

23. Can you give me the duration & budget estimate from the start?

24. Which project management process do you follow? 

25. What steps are involved in your web redesign process?

26. How long does it usually take you to complete a site build?

27. How quickly do pages load on average for the websites you create?

28. Are you outsourcing development or design work?

29. What tools and technologies do you use for website design and development?

30. How do you ensure that the redesigned website will be user-friendly and accessible?

31. What is your approach to search engine optimization (SEO) during the redesign process?

32. Can you provide examples of past website redesign projects where you successfully addressed specific challenges or requirements?

33. How do you ensure that the website redesign aligns with industry standards and best practices for user experience (UX) design?

34. How do you handle data backup and disaster recovery planning to safeguard against potential data loss or website downtime?

35. Who will be involved in our website redesign project, and what are their roles?

36. What is the experience and expertise of your design and development team?

37. Do you have specialists in areas such as UX/UI design, front-end development, and back-end development?

38. How do you stay updated on industry trends and best practices?

39. Can you provide certifications or qualifications that demonstrate your team’s expertise?

40. Can I interview your team before hiring? 

41. Can I directly with the team throughout the web redesigning process? 

42. Will they be available in my time zone? 

43. For what devices and browsers will the website be designed? Will it work well on mobile devices?

44. Which content management system are you familiar with? Which would you prefer?

45. Do you have any experience using SSL to create secure websites?

46. Are you capable of creating multilingual websites?

47. Will this website be constructed from scratch, or you will just redesign it?

48. How am I going to maintain the SEO value of my existing website?

49. When we reroute the old pages to the new pages, what will happen?

50. Do you adhere to best practices for website development?

51. When switching from my old website to my new one, will there be any downtime?

52. If I need it, could you assist me in creating a mobile application for my website?

53. What is your pricing structure for website redesign projects?

54. Are there any additional costs or fees that we should be aware of?

55. How do you handle changes or additions to the project scope?

56. Which different pricing models do you have? 

57. Can I hire dedicated resources for my project?

58. Can you provide a detailed breakdown of the costs associated with our project?

59. How long does the typical website redesign project take from start to finish?

60. What factors could potentially impact the timeline of our project?

61. How do you prioritize tasks and milestones to ensure timely delivery?

62. What happens if the project timeline needs to be adjusted?

63. Can you provide a projected timeline for our specific project?

64. What do you need from me to help you accurately price and scope the project?

65. How do you ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget?

66. How do you ensure that the redesigned website is scalable to accommodate future growth?

67. How do you future-proof the website design and technology stack?

68. How do you ensure that the redesigned website integrates seamlessly with existing systems or platforms?

69. Can you assist with transferring content and data from our current website to the new platform?

70. How do you handle compatibility issues with different browsers, devices, and screen sizes?

71. Do you provide cross-browser and cross-device solutions?#

72. What is your policy on intellectual property rights for the redesigned website?

73. Are there any licensing agreements or restrictions associated with the tools or technologies used?

74. What measures do you take to ensure compliance with data protection regulations?

75. What is your policy on confidentiality and non-disclosure of sensitive information?

76. Do you sign Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) to protect confidential information?

77. Will I retain ownership of the website and its content after the redesign?

78. Are there any restrictions or limitations on my ownership rights?

79. Do you provide documentation to demonstrate compliance with legal requirements?

80. What measures do you take to protect against copyright infringement or intellectual property issues? 

81. How do you solicit feedback from clients throughout the redesign process? 

82. Can you work on a few revisions after the website redesigning process? 

83. What testing processes do you have in place to ensure the functionality and usability of the redesigned website?

84. Do you conduct usability testing with real users to identify any issues or pain points?

85. How do you perform cross-browser and cross-device testing to ensure compatibility?

86. How do you plan and manage the seamless deployment process for the redesigned website?

87. What steps do you take to minimize downtime and ensure a smooth transition to the new website?

88. How do you handle backups and contingency plans in case of unexpected problems during deployment?

89. What support services do you offer after the website is launched?

90. Do you provide training or documentation for managing and updating the website?

91. Do you provide free support to some extent? 

92. How do you handle ongoing maintenance and updates to the website?

93. What is your policy on fixing bugs or issues discovered after the website launch?

94. Do you offer any ongoing retainer or support packages?

95. Can I make changes to the site after it has been completed?

96. How do you go about fixing bugs? If so, how long will I be eligible for free maintenance services?

97. Where will my website be hosted?

98. Will you teach me how to manage the website?

99. Who will hold the domain name registration?

100. What happens to my previous hosting when we publish the new website?

101. Can you outline your process for monitoring website performance and analytics post-launch to track progress and identify areas for improvement?


All in all, hiring the best website redesign company for your project is a critical decision that requires careful consideration. While the extensive list of 101 questions may seem overwhelming, the key is to focus on what’s necessary and relevant to your specific needs and goals. 

While evaluating factors such as expertise, experience, portfolio, communication, and support services, you can make an informed decision. By prioritizing your requirements and asking targeted questions, you can effectively assess their capabilities and determine which one aligns best with your vision and objectives. 

Ultimately, hiring the best website redesign company involves finding a partner who not only possesses the technical skills and expertise but also understands your business goals, values, and target audience. By focusing on what truly matters, you can confidently hire a web design company that can drive your online presence to new heights.

If you are looking for one and want to get started with your question-answer session, KrishaWeb is here to help you out. We have the right team and skills to assist with the web redesigning process.

Nisarg Pandya
Project Manager

Experienced Project Manager and Scrum Master at KrishaWeb, delivers expertise in Scrum methodologies, Laravel, React.js, UX design, and project management, ensuring efficient project delivery and agile implementation.


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